Linux File System

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by rippner, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. rippner

    rippner New Member

    Im currently running on Windows XP and I wanted to setup Linux SUSE as a secondary OS. I new to Linux and was wondering if anyone can tell me if I can setup Linux to have a compatible file system that can read Win XP's NTFS. If so, is it one of the three choices (Linux ext2, Linux ext3 or Linux Swap)?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you want your Linux system to be able to read and write from/to your Windows system or the other way round?
  3. rippner

    rippner New Member

    I think I need Linux to be able to read/write into a Windows XP file system.

  4. cybereatl

    cybereatl Member

    Hi there, I use SuSe 9.0 before to move in to Fedora Core 4, and just using Nautilus from SuSe I was able to access my files locally on my Win/NTFS drive and also able to run network without any configuration of samba accesing windows shares on other machines, but since I did not configure samba windows user only can see my machine but no able to see shares.

    You just be able to double click on file system and be there, windows

    Try out if not working, what SuSe you're using
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2006
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can read NTFS partitions from Linux, but you can't write to them. :( There are some very experimental drivers for Linux with which you might be able to write to NTFS, but I haven't tried.
  6. rippner

    rippner New Member

    I see, would you know where i can obtain these drivers?
  7. rippner

    rippner New Member

    What is samba? Sorry, Im still feeling my way around Linux. Is Nautilus bundled with SuSe 9.0?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Samba allows your linux server to provide network shares for windows clients and can act as a NT4 domain server.

    Yes, I think so. It is part of almost every gnome installation.
  10. ryoken

    ryoken New Member

  11. rippner

    rippner New Member

    I see. Thanks.
  12. rippner

    rippner New Member

  13. ryoken

    ryoken New Member

    Happy reading! :)

    Let us know how you go... the last one I tried was on some custom Knoppix CD...

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