Dnydns.org URL Resolved To Shared IP Page

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by runbuck, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. runbuck

    runbuck New Member

    Greetings, trying to get an existing site that used to use a static URL to now work via timbauer.dnydns.org. Tried various things (tinkered with DNS Server entries in ISPConfig, added various website / co domain combinations) but it keeps coming back to the shared IP page instead of the website.

    ifconfig shows this

    my Vhosts_ispconfig.conf shows this (where dnydns.org is the entry of the site I am twiddling with in ISPConfig).

    httpd -t gives this (note, per other posts on web, I made the change in apache.conf to hardcode to www-data to fix the httpd: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} error)

    The tail of my apache2.conf (where my ISPConfig edits were outside of the error above) is as follows:

    Any thoughts?
  2. runbuck

    runbuck New Member


    Note, the other sites defined in ISPConfig work fine (i.e. www.leveragency.com). I have also checked the DNS Server entries between the working site and the non-working site and they seem to be similar.

    Is the redirect from dnydns.com doing an IP based redirect (in which case ISPconfig wouldn't have a URL to resolve to the proper site with?). I poked around but couldn't find a log from apache to show me the URL's requests coming in to see if it was a raw IP. I assume that isn't the case as I believe the URL comes as well.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make sure that you do not use a redirect at dyndns.org, you need a dns A-Record at dyndns.org. DNS Records from dyndns.org are working fine with ispconfig.

    Also the domain for thw site is wrong. I'am pretty sure you do not won the domain www.dyndns.org. You will have to enter your dyndns subdomain instead of www.
  4. runbuck

    runbuck New Member

    My Bad

    *** FIXED ****

    I had a typo in the name ... DOH! dyndns.org NOT dnydns.org.

    I nuked the DNS records as well. Set the hostname to 'timbauer' and domain to 'dyndns.org' per your comments.


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