Help: Postfix is sending/flooting OLD EMAILS (2007) to nobody: Mail Delivery Failure

Discussion in 'General' started by Melchior, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. Melchior

    Melchior New Member

    hi there,

    I've got very much trouble today.

    By dotdeb packages I tried to update to mysql 5.1 whereas some dependencies were broken.

    After tweaking around 1.5 hours I just get it work again with mysql 5.0.

    While trying to repair this stuff my mail client receives a bunch of messages from ISPConfig with subject: Mail Delivery System. Those messages are containing very old emails from 2007.

    Currently I've got ~200 messages in incoming folder: i stopped postfix to prevent flooding.

    those emails are addressed to [email protected].

    This morning I created a new vhost because I bought a new SSL Cert for Dovecoat and want to run roundcube with this cert under

    Now I don't know where the problem lies: Is it because the new subdomain vhost was created or is it because my Mysql was failing?

    really thx for help,
    at the moment I stopped postfix ...

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  2. Melchior

    Melchior New Member

    uoohhh, mail contents are now WRONG

    I restarted the server and waited until 100 Messages are sent. After that no more messages are incoming.


    If I'm now sending myself an email, it seems to work fine

    but when I open the mail:

    the content of the mail is wrong! it contains again an old message from 2007! Very strange,
    because sender, receiver and subject is ok, only the body is wrong

    help :) please. what's going up here?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in your mail queue (
    postqueue -p
    )? Maybe it is full of old emails.
  4. Melchior

    Melchior New Member

    hi falko,

    nope the mail queue is empty right now,
    after rebooting the server (postfix was stopped before because the mail queue increased dramaticaly) no more mails went to mail queue. The queue was then delivered to my mail-account where I deleted those mails

    thx, and greetings,

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