Shorewall routing problem

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by mdk, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. mdk

    mdk New Member

    I have a perfectly functioning shorewall with two ethernet network eth1>> LAN eth2>> internet, randomly lose routing with # tail -f /var/log/ shorewall-init.log and shows me:
    '/ usr / share / shorewall / functions: line 2338: WARNING: default route ignored on interface eth1: command not found'
    I do not understand where the problem may be in the configuration file shorewall ...

    thanks in advance
  2. mdk

    mdk New Member

    ops sorry,

    OS >> Debian Etch

    Shorewall ver >> 3.2.6
  3. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    Thats just a warning message, it is only important if you have 2 or more internet breakouts.

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