Hi all, I cannot email out of ispconfig webmail. I can receive email, but not email out. where can I look to resolve this situation? Thanks Heeter ________ MEDICAL MARIJUANA
I don't really see any errors, or anything that actually says "error" I just received a test email to my gmail account, that I sent five hours ago. Heeter ________ Ford Falcon (Argentina) Picture
I have tried a couple of more test emails, since yesterday, nothing has gotten through. Where can I check my smtp, maybe I didn't fill it out right. Heeter ________ Medical Marijuana Card
Make sure your server isn't blacklisted: http://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx Also, do you have PTR and SPF records?
My windows email/squirrelmail server is working fine, so I know I am not blacklisted. Where do I locate these records? Thanks Heeter ________ Portable Vaporizer
Send a test email out while watching your maillog. You should see an smtp entry for that email in the log and should see a "mail accepted for delivery" and another "stat=sent". If anything else then look for potential errors. Could your ISP be blocking port 25. Mine just started a couple of weeks ago so I have to relay through their smtp server.
I will put my windows back online to test one more time. Then I will put my linux/ispconfig back again and watch the mail.log file. I have been using my ISP's smtp for years to get around my blocked port 25. Heeter ________ CHRYSLER LH PLATFORM
Not sure what you are asking. If you are asking how do you see if your mail was sent properly you need to check your mail log. On my server it is in /var/log/maillog If you are asking how to verify your relay is set up correctly you need to check the /etc/postfix/main.cf file.
Hi, Which line do I put my smtp server into on that file? (/etc/postfix/main.cf) Heeter ________ Smoking kills
See this post for reference. I had to relay through port 587 so use whatever port your ISP allows you to relay your smtp traffic. http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=166386&postcount=2
Perfect, just perfect, merlincc. Cannot thank you enough, merlincc. My port 25 isn't blocked, it is that my ISP does not allow relaying. So I just put my ISP's smtp server into the relayhost and it worked. Just what I needed. Heeter ________ Suzuki eiger 400
Awesome! Glad I could help. I also struggled a bit and found the answer here so just giving back to this forum which has been so helpful for me.