packages & packages

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by cybergal, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. cybergal

    cybergal New Member

    I would love to see packages of some popular gpl scripts like phplist, phpprojekt, wordpress, gallery etc.
    atleast 1 package in a month so that can cover the all popular packages which are there in fantastico (for cpanel - )

    thanks :)
  2. Norman

    Norman Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I agree. That having such script would be really awesome.
    Provides new users with a way to deploy scripts easily in their environments.

    However - the security aspect is something that needs to be tested.
    Fantastico has suffered from outdated packages making it possible to exploit users webaccounts.

    Having updated patched software in such a deployment system is VERY important.
  3. cybergal

    cybergal New Member

    yes thats why Fantastico guys regularly tweak the packages, they even disable some scripts which have unfixed holes..
  4. cybergal

    cybergal New Member

    well actually i'm not saying all the scripts should be there...
    Starting with few packages can help which are used widely by webhosting clients these days:

    - Community building like joomla / mambo / nuke
    - Forum like phpbb
    - Blog like wordpress

    and later ...
    - Os commerce
    - Image gallery like Gallery / coppermine
    - Wiki like phpWiki
    - Mailing list like phpList

  5. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    It would be a good thing if they'd suggest what could be changed in the scripts to the authors/communities of projects like that.
    People who make scripts and cmses and give them away for free help a lot of people-including the authors of Fantastico.
  6. milegrin

    milegrin New Member

    These would be most excellent!!:)
  7. BinkS

    BinkS New Member

    I have to agree with this!
  8. Karnith

    Karnith New Member

    Is there any head way with this?
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, we didn't have the time to do this (we're currently working on ISPConfig 3), and nobody contributed something like this.
  10. weldpua2008

    weldpua2008 New Member

    I create package, but if you can discribe where I can find information hove it create (where is code for the package) because Ajax add some problem to find information.

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