ISPConfig3 and DNS interface

Discussion in 'General' started by Unatine, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Unatine

    Unatine New Member


    In DNS interface, when delete RR from zone, JS confirmation (in attach).
    But confirmation text 'delete_confirmation' look strange.
    Found this string in three files (dns_a_list.htm, dns_soa_list.htm, dns_template_list.htm). Check delete SOA and template too, but all normal.

    May be some happend with templates?

    OS: Debian Lenny, ISPConfig rc2

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Delete_confirmation is the correct string and it must be in the templates. It might be that it is not in the wordbook file of the alnguage and version that you have currently installed.
  3. Unatine

    Unatine New Member

    Currently English language selected.

    In other places, this template variable replacing correctly.

    In page source for SOA list (for example):
    <td class="tbl_col_buttons">
    <div class="buttons icons16">
    <a class="icons16 icoDelete" href="javascript: del_record('dns/dns_soa_del.php?id=5&phpsessid=a1d8831cb8d90e5b8758d275c197d33d','Do you really want to delete this record?');">
    In RR list:
    <td class="tbl_col_buttons">
    <div class="buttons icons16">
    <a class="icons16 icoDelete" href="javascript: del_record('dns/dns_rr_del.php?id=20&phpsessid=','delete_confirmation');">
    Looks like something don't correctly loaded.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've added this to our bugtracker.

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