Account corruption, can't see sites anymore on ISPConfig 2 and CentOS 4

Discussion in 'General' started by LazyEyes, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. LazyEyes

    LazyEyes New Member

    Hi guys, need some serious help. Server ran out of diskspace 2 days ago and that left me with corrupted /etc/group /etc/passwd is there anyway to restore these? Now none of my sites are running.

    Entering ISPConfig's admin, I can't see each Client's Sites. It shows me "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/plugins/isp_kunde_weblist.plugin.php on line 67"

    Trying to save any changes to a site shows me "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_isp_web.lib.php on line 836"

    Thanks in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you have a backup of the passwd, shadow, and group file and the ispconfig mysql database?
  3. LazyEyes

    LazyEyes New Member

    Hi Till

    I don't have a complete backup, my group/passwd/backup files only show a x for the passwords, so it looks like the system is restricting access to some privileges. I've manually edited the /etc/passwd for root and used pwconv to restore root and that seems to work fine.

    But how do i restore the ispconfig accounts? MySQL information is intact.
  4. LazyEyes

    LazyEyes New Member

    Ok so I've restored the basic accounts like root and user, and I've managed to restart httpd. Now all the domains show the blue shared ip holding page "This IP address is shared. For access to the web site which you look for, enter its address instead of its IP."

    How can I get my sites back?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you have a backup of the ispconfig database?
  6. LazyEyes

    LazyEyes New Member

    Okay reloaded a backup of the mysql files, found a corruption on one of the tables (probably from the diskspace error). Most of the sites are up, will attempt to recreate the problem ones.

    Just a last question, I can't see my reseller's DNS accounts. Wondering why this is so.

    Thanks Till!

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