404 error

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by emezedoz, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. emezedoz

    emezedoz New Member

    first of all, sorry for my english:

    I have installed ispconfig and added some sites. I have no domains registered, and I have access to my computer through dyndns. Ex. example.dyndns.org

    All is working fine, but I am trying to access to the sites I have created and I cant.
    To access I write in my browser http://example.dyndns.org/site1
    Could someone help me. Is not comercial, only for friend sites.

    Thanks a lot
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. emezedoz

    emezedoz New Member

    But, I have read I can create virtual domains, or virtual servers to maintein more than one site.
    Can I create with ispconfig virtual domains for virtuals servers?
    All I want is having 4 or 5 sites under the same server (my personal computer). If I access to my computer through internet with
    http://test.dyndns.org (I open some of my router ports and redirect the 80 to one internal computer), I want to create a virtual server called alberto1, another alberto2 and navigate with:
    another one with http://test.dyndsn.org/alberto2

    Is it possible?

    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2005
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you want to do it like that, then you only need to create one web site (test.dyndns.org) with ISPConfig, and in that web site you can create subfolders called alberto1 and alberto2.

    But you can also create multiple web sites with ISPConfig, but then you need more than one domain. For example, you could create alberto1.dyndns.org, alberto2.dyndns.org, etc.

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