installation on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Balbuzard, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member


    I would like to install openVZ on ubuntu 8.10. The installation seems to be ok, following the steps on the tutorial at (no errors in the shell) but when I reboot, comes a shell after grub explaining that it is impossible, packages are missing, so I have to reboot on ubuntu, where nothing is changed. In grub, I can choose between Windows XP, Ubuntu or fzakernel-2.6.18-686-bigmem, but fzakernel does not work.

    Is openVZ supported by Ubuntu 8.10?
    I will have also to install openVZ on a Debian distribution. Will I get the same problems? Can I choose the latest Debian's version available, or should I use the lenny one?

    Thanks for your attention and your help!

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is there another OpenVZ kernel available that you can install?

    For Lenny, please use this guide:
  3. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member

    Well, I am rather a newbie at Linux...

    Following the different steps described at howtoforge, there seems to be no ways to choose which openvz kernel I can install...
    When I enter this command:
    apt-cache search openvz
    the shell give me the openvz kernel found, and there seems to be no choice!
    So, if I knew which kernel I should use, how can I install it on Linux? (and not an other one) ?

    Thank you for your answer!!

    PS : Because I know better Ubuntu8.10 than Debian, I prefer use this distribution, but if it occurs that the installation of openvz is easier with Debian, I will install Debian on the computer (currently, there is no OS installed)

    And is there a way to install openvz from the source code, entering this in a shell?
     ./configure && make && make install
    Thanks a lot!!
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I guess that the 2.6.18 OpenVZ kernel is too old and does not support your hardware. In this case I'd suggest using Debian Lenny as the openVZ kernel there is a 2.6.26 kernel.

    Don't be afraid of Debian - Ubuntu is based on Debian, so almost all commands are the same.
  5. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member


    I think I am confusing openvz and Debian kernels;
    when you say
    Do you mean that I have to find the 2.6.26 kernel of openVZ?
    OpenVZ is not just a soft?

    Thanks for your answers!!
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, for OpenVZ you need a special kernel.
  7. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member

    I am sorry, do I need a special kernel of Debian? In this case, where can I find it? Or do I need to modify one by myself?

    I have installed the 2.6.18-14 version of Debian.

    Thanks for your answers!!
  8. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member

    Well, I am again on it;

    If I really want to install it on Ubuntu8.10, is there anything I can do?
    Because the installation seems to be ok (no package missing, no troubles with public key I have not, any error...) just it does not want reboot on fzakernel.

    The version I have chosen is the one returned by my shell when I enter the following instruction:
    apt-cache search openvz
    vzctl - OpenVZ - server virtualization solution - control tools
    vzctl-ostmpl-debian-4.0-i386-minimal - OpenVZ - OS Template debian-4.0-i386-minimal
    vzctl-ostmpl-debian-5.0-i386-minimal - OpenVZ - OS Template debian-5.0-i386-minimal
    vzquota - OpenVZ - server virtualization solution - quota tools
    fzakernel-2.6.18-686-bigmem - OpenVZ - Meta kernel 2.6.1814-fza-686-bigmem (028stab056.1dso1) on i386
    linux-image-2.6.18-14-fza-686-bigmem - OpenVZ Linux kernel binary image for version 2.6.18-14-fza-686-bigmem
    So I think I have to use fzakernel-2.6.18-686-bigmem
    But If it is not the case, how can I find an appropriate/suitable kernel? with which criteria? And how to perform the installation to the end?
    Thanks a lot for your answers!!

    When I tried to boot on openvz, this is returned:
    Error message I don't understand ;-S

    Thanks for your help!!
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are you sure you followed the OpenVZ tutorials to the letter? Everything you need is in there.
  10. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member

    I am pretty sure having followed the instructions at the letter!
    But after thinking, I wonder if the trouble could be caused by an unsupported hardware;
    Because GRUB is loading perfectly, the kernel too, something happens after this and it is not possible to mount /.
    Is there anywhere specifications about what kind of hardware is needed to mount the openvz kernel?
    I think the Hard disk used to mount the openvz kernel is not suitable for mounting this kernel.
    (I don't know if I am understandable enough, English is not my mother tongue :-S)

    Thanks a lot for your help!!
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Hm... Can you post your /boot/grub/menu.lst and the output of
    ls -la /boot
  12. Balbuzard

    Balbuzard New Member


    I didn't manage to install openvz on debian because I had a lot of issues of repositories; in fact, the installation couldn't never be completely finished because of conflict of repositories in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

    Now, it is fixed and the installation has been done, perfectly I hope, so no need to go to the bother with an installation on Ubuntu. Furthermore, after having tried an installation on ubuntu with different tutorials, I have got a version of the openvz kernel which can not boot (kernel panic) So I am thinking removing the openvz kernel of the ubuntu computer and let debian with its openvz version on the server (What is what I wanted to do from the beginning, but I would have been more comfortable with Ubuntu).

    Thanks a lot for all your help!
  13. digen

    digen New Member

    Funnily for me, after enabling the repo and update using apt-get update, I don't see a kernel from the OpenVZ repos at all.

    Here is the repo entry from /etc/apt/sources.list,

    deb lenny openvz
    and here is the apt-get search,

    root@webmail:~# apt-cache search openvz
    vzctl - OpenVZ - server virtualization solution - control tools
    vzctl-ostmpl-debian-4.0-i386-minimal - OpenVZ - OS Template debian-4.0-i386-minimal
    vzctl-ostmpl-debian-5.0-i386-minimal - OpenVZ - OS Template debian-5.0-i386-minimal
    vzquota - OpenVZ - server virtualization solution - quota tools

    throws nothing.

    Sorry for barging in this thread but I am stumped right now.
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  15. digen

    digen New Member


    Which kernel version and the package would you suggest in my i386 machine ?

    Secondly, I assume merely a 'dpkg -i package.deb' would install this separate kernel without upgrading or making any changes to the current working kernel configuration ?

    Your inputs are much appreciated. Thanks !
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Try linux-openvz (that'S probably a meta package that installs the right kernel).

    Not sure about this. I don't know what other dependencies the package has, so you have to try it out.

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