Spamsnake allowing blacklisted files thorugh

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by filfish, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. filfish

    filfish New Member


    I followed Rocky's excellent tut for spamsnake, it's been in service with us now for a couple of months and is exceptional but for one niggling issue I can't get round.

    If I log in to the mailwatch page and add a sender/recipient to the blacklist, next message that comes through for that sender/recipient pair is marked as blacklisted but still delivers to the recipient.

    How do I set it so that those blacklisted do not get delivered?

    Many thanks

  2. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    How are these options set in your configuration

    Spam Actions =
    Is Definitely Spam = 
  3. filfish

    filfish New Member

    Thanks TopDog

    Spam Actions = deliver
    High Scoring Spam Actions = delete

    The High Scoring Spam Action is the the one I expected to be dropping my blacklisted mail.

  4. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    That's the problem, you can either delete or store to quarantine it on the server.
  5. filfish

    filfish New Member

    Thanks for the quick reply

    Will that then take out all emails flagged up as spam (6 or higher on spamassassin)?

    as we get quite a few scoring 6 to 10 that are ligit

  6. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    Yes it will, if you are getting such a high number of false positives, your system may not be configured correctly. You either fix that or move the scores up.
  7. filfish

    filfish New Member


    So anything I add to the blacklist in MailWatch is only counted as spam, not High Scoring spam. so I need to blacklist elsewhere then me thinks.

  8. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    If you set this option then all blacklisted email will be seen as high scoring spam.

    Definite Spam Is High Scoring = yes
  9. filfish

    filfish New Member

    That's got the desired result.

    Thanks for the time Topdog, much appreciated.



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