when setting up I was asked for those details: I gave: hostname: hxxxx domain: serverkompetenz.net hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net was the pc-name I was given from the serverprovider. seemed logical to me but now when there is an error ex. I type in a url with https that doesn not have it activated and get thefolowing Bad Request error: Code: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port. Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please. Hint: https://serverkompetenz.net:81/ which is not ok as there should be a link to hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net and not only serverkompetenz.net which is alink to my provider... any ideas how I can change that? Or can I simply enter my ip for host and domain insteadf of this data?
You must use the URL you typed in during the installation. This URL is saved in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php. If you made an error you can change it there. If you want you can use the IP address instead of a domain.
could you give some more help?` I am confused: my provider gave me hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net as my hostname which equals to myip I tried: host:hxxxx domain: serverkompetenz.net which isn*t actually right as it does not work. If I set hxxxx as host and myyip as domain that will not work as I guess my server will complain about hxxxx.myip which is actually hxxxx.hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net , right? Is here nobody who owns a server from Strato and can help me out with some info?
hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net should work. Edit /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php and set it there. The variable to look for is $go_info["server"]["server_url"].
It does work. I used it for about 2 months now. I did have probs using php5 though. Not with ISPConfig, with a lot of CMSs (I posted this on Tips). I gave hxxxxx as host, and serverkompetenz.net as servername. I also had to add apt-get install postfix, zlib, zlib-devel to get it to install on SuSe 9.3 Works GREAT!!! I login on https://hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net:81 with no problems.
can you tell me what you have inside your /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php for server ? and what is in your /etc/hostname ?
/etc/hostname should have Code: hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net in it. PHP: $go_info["server"]["server_url"] = "http://hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net:81"; or PHP: $go_info["server"]["server_url"] = "https://hxxxx.serverkompetenz.net:81"; , depends on what you chose (HTTPS or HTTP) during installation.
that is exactly what I have right now and its working. BUT there was hxxxx inside /etc/hostnames so I guess that was causing the trouble ;-)) thx a lot to all of you, I realized I stormed into your forum and started asking a lot of questions without giving you any details... I am sorry for that, I just switched from another tool to ispconfig and was used to knowing whats going on behind the curtains a little bit more than with ispconfig, but I*ll try and behave now
to #1) i have $go_info["server"]["server_url"] = "https://hXXXXXX.serverkompetenz.net:81"; #2) hXXXXX.serverkompetenz.net sorry for being so short i've been working 12-15 hrs./day this week plus on my server. I think I know what happened. I'll check into my papering tommaroow & let you know what steps I took for the strato server (i think they do strange things with the kernel - not sure tho).
@ hyperclock like you cansee in mylast post thats exactly what I figured out ;-) thx. p.s. I have a 10-12 h/day job and have been working afterwards for several hours per day on this server as I need to get it done asap. Thats why I have asked falko for support via pm, if he doesn't have the time I will post the question openly here.
still having problem with this issue. I just reionstalled and then upgraded to the newest version... I just had a look at that config file but did not change anything... I just changed inside the ispconfig control panel to host: hxxxx and domain:serverkompetenz.net... and now I can't log on again into ispcfg panel: w Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php:1) in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/login/trylogin.php on line 51 any ideas? I get the login screen type in my credentials and the I get this error...
Does /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php begin with an empty line or anything else? If so, remove it.
something is still weird here: I logonto: https://h5810.serverkompetenz.net:81 and after I click some stuff and go to other settings I click for example onto management and then onto system config and settings I get logged out and have to log on again and the url in the address bar changes to: https://h5810.serverkompetenz.net.h5810.serverkompetenz.net:81/login.php?err= - so somewhere I have made a mistake, but where? again the url so you can see its complete lenght: so the hostname is doubled, but why?
Regarding this I would like to ask another question. When a dns server points to my IP I can use my own domain, can´t I? I was sure I could but now I wonder if I was right... The serverkompetenz hostname is not that cool...
as far as I remember falko suggested using an unused domain for access to ispconfig, and the provider provides this serverkompetenz... hostname for free, it resolves back to the IP so its cool for me ;-)