howto Windows domU on Xen3.3 - Ubuntu8.10 dom0 Help please

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by murali.puligondla, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. murali.puligondla

    murali.puligondla New Member

    Hi Everybody,

    I have installed xen3.3 compiled ubuntu8.10(2.6.27-11-server) kernel on my server by following the Xen installation Guide from "" forum

    I am able to install it successfully and able to create guest domU Linux clients on the Xen server. After this I got the following dobts and questions.
    Can someone please provide some solution to these requests below.

    1) Can we create Windows domU on Xen-ubuntu server ? How do we create it? If not is there any work around for this?

    2) How do we duplicate or clone and existing VM( domU ) with and without it running?

    It would be really great if you could answer this question or if you can direct to any place Where I can find information on this.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Take a look here:

    You can do this with dd. Create a copy of the disk images (or LVM volumes) and then create a new configuration file for the new guest in /etc/xen.

    This link should give you the idea:
  3. murali.puligondla

    murali.puligondla New Member

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