ISPConfig 3.x - First Steps (Creating Web Sites, Email Addresses, Etc.)

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by sighkick, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    Are there any plans to cover the First Steps and Installation of various softwares on ISPConfig 3.x just as their are for ISPConfig 2.x?

    How close are the ISPConfig 2.x - First Steps (Creating Web Sites, Email Addresses, Etc.) to those specific to version 3.x of ISPConfig?

    Interested in adding packages such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress and other software as a user available repository - is this possible?

    Thanks in advance. :rolleyes:
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've added this to my list.

    You cannot compare ISPConfig 2 with ISPConfig 3. It is a completely different software.

    I've added this as a feature request to our bugtracker.
  3. Jenxie

    Jenxie New Member

    I vote for a ISPConfig 3 first step guide too =)
  4. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    5 Months ago .....

    Five months ago I asked if there was to be a Howto guide to assist with the initial installation and configuration of ISPConfig3 the same as there is for ISPConfig2.

    Has there been any progress in this department?

    If anyone has the expertise to produce such documentation, please consider creating one.

    I know that I am not the only one that would appreciate a tutorial such as this.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Till's still working on it. The problem is that a few things will change in the new ISPConfig 3 release, that's why he wants to wait until the release is out.
  6. Jenxie

    Jenxie New Member

    It will be most appreciated:D
  7. rosie

    rosie New Member

    Yes we're waiting for such a good present
  8. husskii

    husskii Member

    ISPConfig 2.x - First Steps (Creating Web Sites, Email Addresses, Etc.)

    Hi just wondering if the howto for ispconfig 3 is out yet, I have just completed the initial setup of The Perfect Server - Debian Lenny (Debian 5.0) [ISPConfig 3]
    and would like to now install such apps as wordpress and others.
    I noticed that the initial request dates back as far as april but I have not been able to locate the new howto (which Im guessing isnt done yet) :(

    and time frame on when we can expect this please...

    Thanks howtoforge ur tutorials are unbeatable :)
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no such tutorial yet... :(
  10. husskii

    husskii Member

    oh what a shame, guess I' m wait lol.....

    Love your work :D
  11. KZeeSoft

    KZeeSoft New Member

    I also followed the "Perfect Server Debian Lenny with ISP Config 3" and have a functioning web server.....but I cannot figure out how to get the mail setup and functioning.

    I have looked across multiple forums and have requests in to other Linux forums as well.

    I really prefer howtoforge's work though, it always seems more in detail then some other sites I frequent.

    Even a simple HOWTO on the email setup would be a HUGE, HUGE help to me. Wordpress etc... is nice too, but I think the bulk of this community want to see the email side of this server follow through!

    -Love the site, love your work!
  12. husskii

    husskii Member

    How to install WordPress.............

    Hi I havent tried this my self, but most other web applications (such as whmcs etc) have words just fine, so i dont see why wordpress wont..

    Create a new account in ispc3, that user needs access to ssh ftp and be able to create a database..


    1. Download and unzip the WordPress package.

    2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.

    3. Rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php.

    4. Open wp-config.php in your favorite text editor and fill in your database details as explained in Editing wp-config.php to generate and use your secret key password.

    5. Then via ftp, place the WordPress files in the desired location on your web server: (either /public_html or /public_html/blog etc)

    So if you want to integrate WordPress into the root of your domain (e.g., move or upload all contents of the unzipped WordPress directory (but excluding the directory itself) into the root directory of your web server. (public_html directory)

    If you want to have your WordPress installation in its own subdirectory on your web site (e.g., rename the directory wordpress to the name you'd like the subdirectory to have and move or upload it to your web server.
    i.e. So if your site is www/, rename the directory called "wordpress" to "blog" and upload it to the root directory of your web server. (so it would be public_html/blog/wordpress-files)

    6. Run the WordPress installation script by accessing wp-admin/install.php in your favorite web browser.

    * If you installed WordPress in the root directory, you should visit:

    * If you installed WordPress in its own subdirectory called blog, for example, you should visit:

    hope this helps....
  13. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    ISPConfig 3 - First Steps Guide

    April 2009 - August 2010 and we are still without the documentation that many of us would love to see.

    Is there anyone out there with both the technical knowledge and writing skills who would be so kind as to create a User Manual for ISPConfig 3 ?

    Thanks in anticipation that 2010 AD will be the year ! :rolleyes:
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm currently writing the manual.
  15. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    ISPConfig 3 - First Steps Guide (User Manual)

    Thanks a million falko - please would you announce when its done on your advisory emails?

    It will be like Christmas for me .... thanks again.
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, we will announce it in our newsletter.
  17. Jenxie

    Jenxie New Member

    I'm still waiting, thx for the work Falko =)
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It's almost finished... :)
  19. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The ISPConfig 3 manual is finally available (in PDF format)!

    On nearly 300 pages, it covers the concept behind ISPConfig (admin, resellers, clients), explains how to install and update ISPConfig 3, includes a reference for all forms and form fields in ISPConfig together with examples of valid inputs, and provides tutorials for the most common tasks in ISPConfig 3. It also lines out how to make your server more secure and comes with a troubleshooting section at the end.

    Version 1.0 for ISPConfig 3.0.3 (Date: 09/30/2010)
    Author: Falko Timme <[email protected]>
    299 pages

    The manual can be downloaded from these two links:

    Now the bad news: we can’t offer it for free. But it will be available for as low as 5 EUR per copy – we think this price is more than fair for a manual with nearly 300 pages.

    Why Do We Charge For The ISPConfig 3 Manual?

    We hope that this will allow us to employ an additional full-time ISPConfig developer who can disburden the core team. This would accelerate ISPConfig development a lot and also allow us to provide more support for ISPConfig users.

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