web email

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by gabrix, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    hi HF!
    I have a postfix dovecot smtp pop server 24/24 7/7 on line and i wanted my friends to have a mail with my domain name and use my server . For this i also need an interface where they can easily register as any php cms does and any email provider has , not just a web email client as squirrelmail is . I also need a way to centralize user registration so they can also benefit of some other services like shell access , usenet , ftp and maybe , one day i can become a web hosting provider , any idea ? Thanks !
  2. rdv25772

    rdv25772 New Member

    You might try ISPConfig 2 (or 3). I think some people will like that. Or look at any Controle Panel in the Howtos at HowtoForge.
  3. rangaraj1987

    rangaraj1987 New Member

    There are also software packages that allow organizations to offer e-mail through the web for their associates. Some solutions are open source software like SquirrelMail, BlueMamba, RoundCube and IlohaMail, while others are closed source like the Outlook Web Access module for Microsoft Exchange. Conversely, there are programs that can simulate a web browser to access webmail as if it were stored in a POP3 or IMAP account. They are susceptible, though, to changes in the user interface of the web service since there is no standard interface.

    Some providers offer web access to other's e-mail servers. This allows web access to mailboxes where the mail server does not offer a web interface, or where an alternative interface is desired.
    oversættelse på nettet
  4. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    You are talking about client applications .... :(

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