Virtual Users And Domains With Ubuntu 8.04

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by mikeyr, May 2, 2008.

  1. mikeyr

    mikeyr New Member

    I found the "Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail for Mandriva 2008.1" vmware vmx but I would like to do this with Ubuntu 8.04 any plans to make a vmx for Ubuntu 8.04 (server) ?
  2. Leszek

    Leszek Member

  3. mikeyr

    mikeyr New Member

    True, there should not be that much difference and I expect it will work without any problems. I was kind of hoping for a vmware download and not have to type it all in :) I would like to stay with 8.04 and if there was a vmware download I would get it rather than spend a few hours typing.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'll create a tutorial (including a VM) about this soon. I don't expect big changes compared to 7.10. :)
  5. mikeyr

    mikeyr New Member

    I will be trying it myself sometime this week, I also assume there will be no changes from 7.1
  6. Slicer

    Slicer Member

    DCC no longer in the repository

    This section (10 Install Razor, Pyzor And DCC And Configure SpamAssassin) will have to change a bit as when I tried using the How-To DCC was no longer available.

    Seems like everything else was working but I was running into some other issues and had to start over and have not gotten back to it.

  7. mikeyr

    mikeyr New Member

    I gave up, I found all that and just skipped the DCC part. I could not get it to work after I went through everything. The postfix version changed of course so that is another part of the howto that has to change.

    In the end, I could send and get e-mail to the machine but never got it to work where I could send mail from another machine using that machine as the smtp, it would fail with SASL auth error (postfix/smtpd warning : SASL Auth failure cannot connect to saslauthd server: permission denied.)

    I tried everything I could think of and even re-installed from scratch once, always got that error in the end, found in another post on this site another person for whom "adduser postfix sasl" fixed the problem but it did not for me.

    Sure would have liked to upgrade as we are running a ANCIENT 2.2.13 kernel on our mail server and can't even install SpamAssasin on it. I think that kernel is about 10 years old along with the hardware. But for now I have gone back to that since it works.
  8. mikeyr

    mikeyr New Member

    I downloaded the virtual machine for Citadel from worked great, first time right out of the box, no issues. MUCH more than I needed but it got me off our old linux version and I like it.
  9. Slicer

    Slicer Member

    Its OUT

    The how-to is out now!!

    I looked at the Citadel as well but it requires me to purchase a connector from a 3rd party just to get Outlook to work.. :mad:

  10. apostilleus

    apostilleus New Member

    Awesome tutorial! Works like a champ. I got everything under the sun running perfectly.So how the heck do I admin this thing? User creation, password changing, etc...Is there a program or web front end, or am I stuck working with phpmyadmin?I've seen this question posted on the tutorial, so I figured I'd throw it out here and get a public answer.It's my first time working with postfix, so be gentle
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no web frontend, so you'd have to use phpMyAdmin or the command line.
  12. apostilleus

    apostilleus New Member

    Virtual Users And Domains With Ubuntu 8.04 index

    Awesome tutorial! Works like a champ. I got everything under the sun running perfectly.So how the heck do I admin this thing? User creation, password changing, etc...Is there a program or web front end, or am I stuck working with phpmyadmin?I've seen this question posted on the tutorial, so I figured I'd throw it out here and get a public answer.It's my first time working with postfix, so be gentle... :)
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    See my previous post.

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