What to do ?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tedeu, May 15, 2009.

  1. tedeu

    tedeu New Member

    first of all, i want to say i am verry verry impresed with the ISP Config 3, ven though it lacks some things (or i can't understand it verry well).

    I have a domain name called vodahosts.net
    I webt to set the NS in the registrar home page .(name.com if you are wondering)
    After that i putted there my own ns's,
    I went to the config pannel and created 3 sites: ns1.vodahosts.net, ns2.vodahosts.net and vodahosts.net.
    The only trouble is that 2 of them (ns1.vodahosts.net and ns2.vodahosts.net) i can see on my browser and ping...
    The third, vodahosts.net, i can't see , and i can't ping :-??
    I am a virgin when it comes to linux.
    I used to install fedora 10 tutorial on howtoforge.com
    And one more thing, the only one i can access by ftp is ns1.vodahosts.net. i created an account for eatch ... but only this one seems to have effect when i change files, on ns2.vodahosts.net it connect's me to a ftp account, but none of the canges i make have effect on http://ns2.vodahosts.net.
    Also vodahosts.net, doesn't work to connect to ftp at all, and when i try to ping, it say: "Ping request could not find host vodahosts.net. Please check the name and try again."

    Verry verry strange ...
    Now i was wondering woh can i fix the present situation ...
    or is there a way to make it all like a fresh install, but not going to all the sterp again, like a hard erase of all things, leaving the sistem and the ISP Config 3 fresh, just like after an new install ?

    Yhank you , and hoping for a quick answer, i salute you guys.

    With respect and admiration,
    George John MUSHAT
  2. tio289

    tio289 Member

    Put into dns zone A record vodahosts.net. You probably have only *.vodahosts.net. or you forgot DOT on the end
  3. tedeu

    tedeu New Member

    where ?
    In the DNS A Record i have these fields:
    Hostname: [vodahosts.net]
    IP-Adress: []
    TTL: [86400]
    Active: [checked]

    So where to put ?
    Please be more specific ...
    Thank you though for your prompt answer !

    One more thing, when i restarted apache via putty, when it started it gave me a warning :
    "Starting httpd:[Sat May 16 17:44:14 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts"
    Now i guess this is not good ...
    What to do now please :-??

    And one more thing, how to access by FTP the hole server, to see all the clients folders ...
    Thank you !

    ***Later EDIT***
    I reconfigured my Records, after searching over the net ...
    Here is a screen shot ...

    Is there anything i have to do, or just wait 48 hours or so for the propagation ?

    I am waiting for an answer !
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The dns A Records for ns1 and ns2 are missings and make sure that you craeted glue records for your nameservers at the dns servers of the company were you regsitered the domain name.
  5. tedeu

    tedeu New Member

    These are my settings now, are they good ?


    And yes, i have an account at name.com, and my DNS Zone records there are looking like this:

    So what else i have to do to make this work ?

    One more thing ...
    Now it works with http://vodahosts.net, but it won't work with www.vodahosts.net ...
    I added a subdomain, but didn't know the redirect path ... i redirected to http://vodahosts.net?
    And what L, R means ?

    I also added the domain ledoutdoordisplay.ro ...
    And doesn't want to do nothing, not even ping ...

    Do i have to setup DNS for this one also ?
    What else i have to do ?
    Please help me !
  6. rdv25772

    rdv25772 New Member

    let it known

    You need to have add a new DNS zone for the domain ledoutdoordisplay.ro. You should add a NS record for the domain which points to your root DNS server like

    NS ledoutdoordisplay.ro. ns1.vodahosts.net.

    As Till stated:
    You did registered the domain name ledoutdoordisplay.ro with your own (vodahosts.net). So you can host your own DNS for other domains you want.
  7. tedeu

    tedeu New Member

    one more question ...
    ledoutdoordisplay.ro works, but www.ledoutdoordisplay.ro doesn't work
    i read something on the forum ... but didn't quite understood ...
    what to do ...
    in small steps please :D
  8. tedeu

    tedeu New Member

    one more thing ...
    server1.vodahosts.net goes nowhere, and this is frustating ...
    because from the ispconfing 3 panel when you click on phpmyadmin, or in webmail, there will send to a try again page...
    Should i reinstall ISPConfig 3 ?
    with the linux sistem and all ?
  9. rdv25772

    rdv25772 New Member

    I believe you should check the settings of the domain on the Sites tab in ISPConfig. I cannot check it right now, but I think you should change the subdomain setting from none to * or to www. Maybe anyone else can help with this. I also see that you have a CNAME entry for www. This might be a problem. I am not sure about this.

    I saw that in the CNAME record is no dot at the end of vodahosts.net. This also might be why vodahosts.net works and www.vodahosts.net doesn't work

    The DNS is empty at the start. You need to add the things you need. So add an A record for the hostname server1.vodahosts.net in the DNS zone. This would not been done automaticly. Like your ns1 or ns2 hostnames all other servers should be added to the DNS zone so they can be found by others.

    It might be that you are behind a router. A request need to be directed to the right server. It is hard to send a request to the IP address of which you are sending that request. It will time out. Maybe you should check how your system is resolving a IP for a domainname or a hostname. On my windows machine I was trying to send a request to my server and it timed out. I putted the nameserver of my provider prior to my own nameserver. When I changed the order I could get the right webpage.
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  10. tedeu

    tedeu New Member

    didn't managed to pull it tru !
    i quit!
    i will try vhcs !
    hope that will be more easy !

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