Hi, I'd like to change: Subject: Welcome to your new email account. From: "ISPConfig3" <webmaster@localhost.tld> Also I'd like to include an attachment in pdf. Thanks in advance, Tony
The subject and sender address is in the langauge file of the mail user form. You can edit it e.g. with the language editor. There is currently no function to add a pdf fle, you will have to change the php code of the mail_user form for that.
I don't want to change the language. I need to replace the the information with our welcome massage and include our domain.tld and email. Also include how to setup Outlook and Thunderbird. Thanks, tony
for those who search it too: /var/www/ispconfig/mail/lib/lang/ there you find XX_mail_user.lng where XX is for your language change $wb['welcome_mail_fromname_txt'] $wb['welcome_mail_fromemail_txt'] $wb['welcome_mail_subject'] $wb['welcome_mail_message'] to your needs and be careful, that you don`t delete the ' in the defines!
All good but the message is written in one line. How to make a greeting in HTML or lines separated by ENTER
What do you mean Till? With which file editor you can suggest me to edit a nice welcome message? Thanks Michele
Actually, all of this can be done right from the ISPConfig control panel. System > Languages > en_mail_user.lng > welcome_mail_subject && welcome_mail_message Till, is this HTML compatible? I haven't figured out the right syntax for breaks and such.
I did this edit a while back using the built in editor but now it seems to have returned to default. Do changes to the language files get lost on updates? They shouldn't as it is kind of a pain to re-edit them all. (Also some of the language files use other hostnames eg: fi)
They have to be changed as it would not be possible to add new features in ispconfig woithout changing the language files If you want to maintain your own language file set, then use the import and export functions of the language editor to make a backup or create a new custom language file set under a new language key that is not used by any iso language code like "xy".
Could they be saved in the database rather than files? Then new features could be added without rewriting old. (Future release suggestion). Also, maybe a 'Select All' for the import and export functions could be added.
Also, export puts the file on the remote server, import looks on the local computer. These should be consistent so files can be imported and exported from the same location, either local or remote. Had to do this today after my update issue.
The export presents you a link to download the file and you should then always store the file locally as the temporary copy of the file on the server gets deleted automatically. The file can not be offered for download automatically (ispconfig 3 is a ajax interface).
Language files Like the user above, I would like to have the welcome message come from someone in the same domain. Is it possible to use a variable to send the welcome message from "hostmaster@newdomain.tld" instead of a hard coded address? Thanks,
There are no variables available in the email address. Feel free to make a feature request in the bugtracker, if you like so see such a feature in a future version.
I have just upgraded to 3.0.4 and can no longer find the options in the "en_mail_user.lng" file. Is it now located somewhere else, or has something gone wrong?