Hey guys, Things are working geat. Nice job. I'm still learning, tho. I cannot figure this one out. My setup: Belkin Pre-n Wireless router (wireless not good, I know, but it's just a test server) (router supports loopback) 1 - PC w/Windows Vista (ip = 192.***.*.25) 2 - PC's w/ Windows XP (dynamic internal ip's) 1 - Linux w/ Ispconfig - FedoraCore4 Perfect Setup (ip = 192.***.*.26) My problem: I can see my websites, login to ispconfig, admin the server, etc., from outside my network. However, from the Vista PC, inside my internal network, the url's show my router's admin page. I cannot bypass the router since it is in another part of the house. I work in Dreamweaver and Photoshop on the PC, so i would like to check my work without having to go to the Linux box to see it. I know I have seen this problem discussed before, but a search of the forums came up empty. Any possibilities? Thanks in advance for any help. jopa
if your on windows desktop pcs do this goto run and type in "" notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts "" and put in there the lan IP of the host PC and the domain name vdb.lan and do the same for the other domains you got save it if firefox or IE is open close them and than try your URL site again see if thats helps < if you on linux than just use your fav text editor and edit the /etc/hosts file and do the same for winodws IP <tab> domain URL www.zcworld.au zcworld.au mysite1.zcworld.au so on happy use
Didn't work ZCworld, On the linux server w/ispconfig I edited the /etc/hosts file to include: 192.168.*.* mydomain1.com 192.168.*.* mydomain2.com No luck. I tried to do the same on my Vista PC, but got an access denied message when I tried to save it. I will try my best to disable Vista's security on this file if that is the answer. But I'm new to that operating system as well. Any other places to look? thanks again Shawn
Oops Just found this in an article: "Belkin routers have a WAN loopback. That means if you are hosting a web page internally (using virtual servers) you won't be able to see it....unless you put a PC on the WAN side - kind of a pain in the butt." Does this mean I'm out of luck? Is there another way to see the site? Maybe a url like http://**.***.**.**/domain.com or something?
all routers if you try to look at ur WAN IP you will get your router its just the default thing to the key part of the qus there try and do what i said before set the IP / DNS name to site in your windows hosts file and it would work fine i done that with all of my sites before i had my firewall linux box working .....
ZC, Thanks again. But, as I said I got the file edited (after wrestling with Windoze's security). Doesn't seem to help. jopa
Maybe there's some sort of DNS cache on your Windows system. Have you tried to reboot the Windows system to clear the cache?
Still no I cleared all cache and, thanks to the weather here in Texas lately, all the machines including the router have been rebooted several times. Also, I finally got around to installing Firefox on the Vista system. First website I tried to go to was my own. Same issue. I'll go back and check the host file on the Linux server but I think it's a router issue. Maybe it doesn't support loopback. Once again, thanks for all the help. jopa
That's possible, but if you use the local IP address of your server in the hosts file instead of your router's public IP address, it should work (because then the router has nothing to do with it).
This is how I solved the problem I had the exact same problem. I contacted my ISP because I have a business account and business accounts get priority tech support and even they had no idea what to do about it. I have a westell 7500 modem. This particular modem has a certain feature that lets me configure DNS in certain ways. In the advanced settings of my modem I can access a feature called "DNS Server". Under "DNS Server" I can create a table of domain names and the IP addresses I want them to resolve to. One of the domains in my ISPConfig system is "zandooy.com" so I added zandooy.com to the DNS Server table in my modem with the Local IP address of my Server on my network (ie. zandooy.com /// Then I can just put http://zandooy.com/ in my browser of any other PC on my local network and it gets redirected to my server machine within the same network. BINGO! I can now browse the websites on my server inside my LAN using the domain names. You might try looking for this feature in your router or modem. It may not be labeled the same way if it has it at all. Good Luck! Zandooy
Got the host file on my client computer edited but it still the same issue. Any other ideas? linksys e2000