How to know if spamfilter is working?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by nandelbosc, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, ISPConfig 2 is not inserting this header if I remember correctly. Just activate the spamfilter, set it to mark the subsject and set the score to e.g. 4 and you should see that email begin to be marked as spam in the subject.
  2. nandelbosc

    nandelbosc New Member

    Ok till, thank's!

    I try to find the reason why spam is not marked from another side.

    Thank's again

    PD: For your information... Yesterday, before I was post the other message, I updated ISPConfig to 2.2.30
  3. nandelbosc

    nandelbosc New Member

    Ok, spam 9999 - me 0

    Spam wins.

    I can't resolve this problem for myself!

    Anyone can help me to resolve this issue? I can pay some money... 50€ ?

    Till, Falko, other pros?!?!

    If anyone it's interested contact me via PM or mail, I can open SSH port.

  4. nandelbosc

    nandelbosc New Member


    SOLVED, thank's Till...

    spamassassin is not working because I disabled the ispconfig spamassassin in custom template...

    I moved it...

    cd /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/customized_templates/spamassassin.rc.master /root/
    /etc/init.d/spamassassin restart
    and edit a setting in every email account and then click on save
    so that the accound data is rewritten on disk and the config files for this account get updated

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