ISPConfig Comodo SSL

Discussion in 'General' started by ebiz-dev, May 27, 2009.

  1. ebiz-dev

    ebiz-dev New Member


    I am a little lost with something.
    I setup my site in ISPconfig, got a dedicated IP setup and assigned it to this website only.

    I then enabled SSL, went to the tab and generated a CSR.
    sent this off to Comodo and got the cert file and bits back.

    I went into the site and the SSL tab and pasted this info into the Certificate box and saved it.

    When I go to the site on https it generates a couple of errors in firefox as below

    The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed.
    The certificate is only valid for localhost.localdomain.

    I am now a little lost and have tried the following;

    I have restarted the server.
    I have uploaded the crt and ca_bundle files to the SSL directory for the website over FTP
    I have added the apache directives SSLCertificateChainFile and the path to the relavent files

    I still keep getting this same error??
    It seems like it may still be referring to some old self-signed cert, or I screwed up the original request???

    Can anyone help as I am a little lost as just what to do next!


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please go to the ssl directory of that web site and check if the contents of the files looks ok.
    What changes exactly did you do to the Apache configuration?
    Did you restart Apache?
  3. ebiz-dev

    ebiz-dev New Member

    Hi Falko

    I actually got this all sorted last night quite late... so a little tired today! :0(

    It seems for some reason that the key file was missing from the site SSL folder.
    I basically scrapped the site in ISP config.
    Re- congifured as a new site, enabled SSL, did the certificate request again.
    Pasted back into the SSL cert box, uploaded the .ca-bundle file and added this in the Apache Directives as SSLCertificateKeyChain
    Restarted Apache and now it all works just fine!!

    I have another eCommerce site to do next week and will have another Certificate to Configure. I will find out next week if its all fixed, or I have another problem hiding somewhere!!


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