Mail quota

Discussion in 'General' started by fastgrav, May 28, 2009.

  1. fastgrav

    fastgrav New Member


    I use ISPconfig on debian lenny

    when I create a mailbox to a user with quota and mails are not over quota everything is going well
    the problem appear when the user is expecting a mail over quota.

    I set quota 1 MB to mailbox [email protected]
    I sent 2 mails from yahoo one text small (received by user@ispconfig) and one of 1.5 MB (not received by user)

    in the queue I found:
    temporary failure. Command output: maildrop: maildir over quota.

    how can I set an automatically message to user: "Your mailbox is full. delete some mails ..."
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maildrop retries to deliver the email for some time and the sender receives a message. If you want to send a email to the recipient when his account is over quota you might have to write a maildrop filter for it or a cron script that regularily checks the maildirs.
  3. fastgrav

    fastgrav New Member

    dear till,

    thank you for your answer

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