DNS Zone file configuration

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Commdude, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. Commdude

    Commdude New Member

    I've had several problems which I'm sure are related to my DNS configuration. Here's my record for my main domain:

    "A" RECORD: @

    CNAMES (Aliases): None
    MX (Mail Exchangers) : 0 @ netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.com
    TEXT: @ v=spf1 a ptr mx:smtp.bitterbrushnet.com -all

    My reverse DNS record is configured as: >>> bitterbrushnet.com My ISP only allows one entry per IP address. Is this normal, or is it just them?

    I had problems (mail test failure) when I used smtp.bitterbrushnet.com in the MX record. When I changed it to netsrvr1 (my real hostname as configured during initial installation) I was able to receive mail. So, (1) what is the optimum zone file configuration, and (2) how does this apply to virtual hosts? Do their MX records read "smtp.virtualhost.com"?
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  2. Cirox

    Cirox New Member


    every ip can have only one reverse dns name, but many domains could point to one ip.

    i dont know exactly if this solves your problem, but for a right configured mailserver, its better to use reversedns name = fqdn of your box and you have to have a dns.zone like this for example:

    @ IN MX 10 yourserver
    smtp IN CNAME yourserver
    yourserver IN A ip.from.yourserver

    with smtp.example.com you can reach imap and smtp server to send/recieve mails with your client

    greetings cirox
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  3. Commdude

    Commdude New Member

    My ISP does not give me the capability to configure anything in my reverse zone file other than my domain. I'll do a reverse DNS check and see what I have.
  4. Commdude

    Commdude New Member

    My ISP does not give me the capability to configure anything in my reverse zone file other than my domain. I'm using my registrar's namesservers, and they were no help in configuring my zone file. In fact, I called them and the rep told me that I couldn't use their nameservers if I was hosting my own sites.
    I'll just keep trying to figure it out. Thanks for your help.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I found out that netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.com doesn't exist:

    dig netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.com
    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.com
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 16522
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.com.   IN      A
    bitterbrushnet.com.     10800   IN      SOA     NS3.SECURESERVER.NET. dns.jomax.NET. 2006031600 28800 7200 604800 86400
    ;; Query time: 166 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Sun Mar 19 13:27:09 2006
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 111
    Where did you configure the DNS records? In ISPConfig or at your registrar?
  6. Commdude

    Commdude New Member

    I changed that to netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.net. This is my tech domain and I also tried to find all the conf files that needed to be changed, and I'm not sure that I found them all. I am using my registrar's nameservers, so that is where the zone records are located. The last go-roound I checked the zone files on my server (although BIND is not running) to see what my configuration should look like. It didn't seem to be consistent from one site to another (zone files created by ISPConfig.) I think I'm going to have to reinstall everything on my server and start from scratch.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The DNS of your technical domain has nothing to do with your ISPConfig BIND installation! Just go to your registrar and create an A-Record for netsrvr1.bitterbrushnet.com pointing to your server IP.
  8. Commdude

    Commdude New Member

    W:eek: ell, that sure was easy enough. I'll have to check the log and see how many hours I spent on that one...

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