Login with E-Mail Address

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mbazdell, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. mbazdell

    mbazdell New Member

    Hi all. I've come accross an odd problem. I can't seem to login to ISPconfig or mail using my e-mail address only on new accounts. For some reason older accounts (don't know when this changed to be honest), can login with their email as their username, and their standard password. However any new mail accounts, have to use the domain_username as their username. If you try to login with an email account, it gives you a bad password error. Doesn't matter if logging into ISPconfig or webmail or using an email client. I can't figure out why...
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Email accounts in ispconfig 2 have to use always the username and not the email address for smtp and pop3 logins. Just for webmail you can use the email address as the webmail clients that are available as ispconfig .pkg file contain patches to lookup the email username for a given email address.
  3. mbazdell

    mbazdell New Member

    Odd. This is a standard install, never did the changes in the post that comes up from google. My old accounts can login to server.com:81/mailuser with their email address no problem, and the same for pop3/imap
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you install some operating system updates before the behaviour changed?

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