Free Outlook Connector ?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by XZed, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. XZed

    XZed New Member


    i'm testing a few opensource groupware solutions but i face to a common problem :

    an outlook connector.

    not satisfied by the few solutions i tested, i'm thinking about come back to the "custom" mail setup, i always made..

    But want to know what do the people use as outlook connector for groupware or dovecot simply (unless people only use imap :confused:) ?

    Thank you very much,

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    As far as I know, most groupware solutions charge for their Outlook connectors.
  3. XZed

    XZed New Member

    thanks to confirm :eek:

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