default vhost config

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by wathek, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. wathek

    wathek New Member

    Hello all,
    I'm looking to change the vhost default config when I create a new site I mean how can I tell ISPConfig to follow a template for all the new site are being created ?

    Thank you
  2. dzudzu

    dzudzu New Member

    look there

  3. wathek

    wathek New Member

    should I modify vhost.conf.master ? and is there something to restart after doing some changes on that file ?

    Thank you
  4. dzudzu

    dzudzu New Member


    the refresh heapens when u modify existing domain or add new one in the control panel after you have modified the file. That file is used as template for creating vhost files.

    Be noted, it will apply to all sites.
  5. wathek

    wathek New Member

    Cool thank you so much buddy

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