Question about quotas in ISPconfig 3.xx

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by masterx, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. masterx

    masterx New Member

    I have a question about ISPconfig 3.

    In the template under Client-Templates, under limits. There is a field called Mailbox quota, when the value is -1, what does that mean? Does it share the same quota as the site?

    Site quota: 500 mb
    Mailbox qouta: -1

    Is the max harddisc usage then 500 mb or what?
  2. masterx

    masterx New Member

    Is there not anyone who knows this?

    Í would really like to know this...
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    -1 means "unlimited". Your site would have a quota of 500MB, but there would be no limit for your mailbox.
  4. masterx

    masterx New Member

    Thats means, if i set the mailbox quota to 500 mb, then the site will have 500 and mailboxes will have 500 mb?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, just the mailbox. The mailbox quota is totally independent of the website quota.
  6. masterx

    masterx New Member

    Ahh ok... thanks...

    That kinda sucks then... but ok :) Got a bit clever there...
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is absolutely normal for a virtual user system that they are indeoendant. If you need one big quota, use ispconfig 2 which uses system users and not virtual users.
  8. masterx

    masterx New Member

    Ok... Nah, i'll keep running on ISPconfig 3, i like the interface and the control possibilities :)

    Is there a way to sent out an email with all the info about a registration... Sounds stupid, but when you order a domain, you can create it and then sent out a email with all nessesary info. Is there a way to do that?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    there is no such function in ISPConfig 3 yet. If you like to make a feature request, please post it here:
  10. masterx

    masterx New Member

    Thanks... i will request it... :) Just waiting for a confimation email... :)

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