Uploaded file using PHP scripts are getting deleted of it's own

Discussion in 'Technical' started by jitender.ind, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. jitender.ind

    jitender.ind New Member


    I'm having a very strange problem. I use lampp on centOS linux. My application has a upload Script (in PHP) which uploads file to file system. after upload and moving file to correct location, uploaded files are getting deleted. I check file upload and moving of file by putting all the status in a text log file. files are getting uploaded properly and after upload I'm able to move the files to it's correct location.

    Jitender Aryan
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    So the problem is that files are getting deleted when they shouldn't? IS there maybe some kind of cron job that's doing this?
  3. jitender.ind

    jitender.ind New Member

    I'm not using any cron job on the server. we have 3 different server on 2 servers code is working fine and only on one server, uploaded files are vanished just after upload. can it be some other server setting?

    Jitender Aryan
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is SELinux disabled on the server?

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