ISPConfig3 quotas

Discussion in 'General' started by lano, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. lano

    lano Member

    First, I would like to thanks Till and Falko for excellent piece of software.

    Since there aren't any manuals written yet, I would like to clear up quota things.
    In ispc3 I can manualy assign quotas for web, mail and ftp.
    For example, if I set 500mb web, 250mb for mail and 750mb for ftp, that means, that client have totaly 1,5GB, or is it ftp quota limited by web quota?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The mail and web quota are independant. FTP quota is always limited by web quota, so you should leave ftp quota at -1 normally as ftp quota is just a virtual quota of the ftp daemon and not based on linux system quota.
  3. bajodel

    bajodel Member

    - web quota is based on linux system quota
    - ftp quota is (eventually) a way to limit the above one for a specific user (based on ftp virtual quota)
    - mail quota (i think) is based on postfix 'quota' (i think the word 'limit' is better) because system quota is not possible ..all mail folders and files are owned by vmail user.

    But .. what happen if a client set a mailbox quota to '0' ?
    In a little test i made .. that mailbox has no limit.

    My test:
    - debian lenny (fresh install)
    - ISPConfig Beta
    - I've 1 reseller and 1 (sub)client
    - I've added a test mail domain (as admin) to the client and set a mail quota to 50Mb
    - I logged in as client and i made 3 mailbox (30Mb, 20Mb and 0)

    The 2 'limited' mailbox stop receiving mail if messages reaches quotas, postfix say:
    > (temporary failure. Command output: WARN: quota string '20971520'
    > not parseable maildrop: maildir over quota.)

    The mailbox with quota set to '0' ..continues to receive mail (in my test i reached 43Mb)
    Mailbox 1: 29Mb -> postfix say 'over quota'
    Mailbox 2: 21Mb -> postfix say 'over quota'
    Mailbox 3: 43Mb -> postfix say OK.. send me another! :)

    Where is my error ?! :)


  4. bajodel

    bajodel Member


    Is it normal that the client can edit his 'Spamfilter' ?
    - mail domain created by admin
    - client cannot modify quota, delete it ..or other (ok)

    More specific .. the client cannot switch (for example) from 'non-paying' to 'normal' directly .. but can switch to 'non-enabled' and then to 'normal'.

    I think that .. if the client is 'non-paying' :) should be impossible for him to auto-switch on that feature :)


  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, tahts the intended bahaviour.
  6. karailiev

    karailiev New Member

    I'm testing version and it seems there is no way to set quota for a client. I mean a quota that can be used by all sites of the client instead having separate quota for every site.
    Is there something I'm missing or I really cant do this?
  7. bajodel

    bajodel Member

    till .. thanx for the answer

    ..but for my previous question/post (mail quota set to 0 as workaround for client to bypass total mail quota) is it the intended behaviour too ?!? :)

    P.S. - 15th ago .. have a nice day all!


  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I've added this to the bugtracker.
  9. karailiev

    karailiev New Member

    Can anyone help?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The quota settings are per site and not per client. If you want per cleint quota, fee free to implement it.
  11. karailiev

    karailiev New Member

    Does the quota include the database files or just the content of the site's folder?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The database files are not included as all mysql databases always belong to the user mysql and not the website user.
  13. bhwong

    bhwong New Member

    How do I set a quota for the reseller? And the maximum quota the reseller can assign to their clients?
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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