SSL on ISP Config

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by fulacom, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. fulacom

    fulacom New Member

    Hi all,

    I am trying to install certificate to one of the domains under ISP Config. I followed the instructions from However, when I go the the site to view the certificate, I get this error

    The CA Root certificate is not trusted. To enable trust, install this certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
    Issued to:
    Issued by:

    Can anyone help?

  2. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    That is normal. Your browser complains because used certificate is self signed instead of being signed by a worldwide trusted certificate authority that costs some money. The SSL encryption still works.
    If You have a certificate signed by a trusted CA then this is not good.
  3. fulacom

    fulacom New Member

    I purchased and tried installing Rapid SSL certificate. So it's a trusted CA. Is there any way I can fix this issue?
  4. Leszek

    Leszek Member indicates that the server, for which the certificate is for doesn't use it. It uses the default instead. You have to reconfigure Apache to use the new one by entering it's path and making sure it is readible by the server. The path to the key associated to the certificate is also important.
    I can't tell You how to do that step by step because I don't have any servers with ISPConfig 3 at the moment. I can only show You a tip which can put You on the right way:

    It's also important what is the certificate meant for: the control panel or customers. By default Apache has to have seperate certificates for every ip address/domain so it could give some trouble in case You'd like to have SSL virtual hosts. I'm not sure if ISPConfig 3 supports the new way of handling SSL for 1+ accounts with a single IP.

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