FTP instalation problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by AlexRose, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. AlexRose

    AlexRose New Member


    I have a vps running centos 5.3(32). I can't understand how to install pure-ftp with "--without-capabilities" argument.

    Let's explain a little bit the situation:
    if i try to install with: yum install pure-ftpd - the ftp server it wont start. so i installed it by myself(./configure --without-capabilities && make && make install)
    ISPConfig installed successfully, the table for ftp users was created but i can't connect to ftp.

    any ideas? thanks in advance.
  2. bad_crow

    bad_crow New Member

    I'm not familiar with pureftpd but in some software config there is some directives which block network traffic.
    It sounds odd for FTP server but check if there is a listen or a skip networking directive or blocks like those of apache to set permissions.
    You must also check firewall and routers, check the service is up and running.

    If you have a user prompt check that the user has a valid shell, a home directory.

    This is the general stuff which came to my mind when reading the post, I don't have any knowledge of pureftpd (proftpd user ;) )so I won't try to be more precise.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. AlexRose

    AlexRose New Member

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