Billing Module / Faktura

Discussion in 'General' started by maarz, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. maarz

    maarz New Member

    [german version below]

    We are developing a billing module for ISPConfig 3.

    The following features are intended:
    - template-based: easy changing of emal templates, order templates, invoice templates, etc.
    - payment systems: Paypal, account, credit card
    - save invoices as pdf an send them via email
    - item management (domains, hosting, services)
    - invoice archive
    - serial invoices
    - overview about open accounts

    We would like to create a list of requests and functions that are urgently needed.
    So everybody is invited to call his requirements for a billing here.

    Enclosed you will find a first screenshot (in german).

    Wir sind dabei ein Faktura für ISPConfig 3 zu schreiben:

    Bereits vorgesehene features:
    template-based: einfaches ändern von email templates, order templates, invoice templates usw.
    Bezahlsysteme: Paypal, Rechnung, Kreditkarte
    Rechnungen als PDF ablegen und per E-Mail versenden
    Artikelverwaltung (Domains, Hosting, Dienstleistungen)
    Offene Rechnungen Übersicht

    Wir möchten eine Liste von Wünschen und Funktionen die dringend benötigt werden erstellen.
    Ihr seit also alle gern dazu eingeladen eure Anforderungen an eine Faktura hier zu nennen.

    Anbei schon einmal ein erster Screenshot, allerdings in deutscher Sprache.

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The invoicing module looks great! It would be nice if the invoicing module might also have serial articles beside serial invoices. This comes in handy when you have customers with a lot of domains so you can generate automatically new invoices based on the items that have to be paid since the last invoice as domains might have been added or cancelled since the last invoice which might have been paid a year ago.
  3. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    A billing system is just what I need. And it looks great!
    Can you tell us when it comes available?

  4. damir

    damir New Member

    If you need a beta tester just send a PM :)

    Everything that i need is already in you list. Looking forward to see this module develop.
  5. bochenn

    bochenn New Member

    You can't imagine how usefull it will be to me!!! I really need this!
  6. Sliderbook

    Sliderbook New Member

    And how about other payment systems?
    If I'd like to add my own?
  7. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    Can you tell us when this module will be available for us?
  8. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    Is there also a way to integrate a domain registration process (for example with mrwhois)?
  9. maarz

    maarz New Member

    Only the graphical design and a few small fuktionen have already been realized.
    At first we would like to create a list of requests and functions and then we will start with the actual development work.

    A simple domain availability checking script for a few general tlds like .de, .com, .net, .org, (expansions possible) for the frontend website is still in developing. it It will be integrated into the faktura and will also be available as wordpress plugin.
  10. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Wouldn't that be a feature more for an "order" as for a billing module?
  11. ikrudolf

    ikrudolf Member

    When will you use the billing module, when there's an order right? That's why in my opinion a order module is good to have together with the billing module.
  12. IrDA

    IrDA New Member

    Sorry to bring up an old post but is there any indication on how this project progresses ??

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