Hi I am using ubuntu operating system and installed zimbra mail server and domain name server - bind 9 in ubuntu. The installation of zimbra mail server is completed and made an entry in DNS for mail server for redirecting mail entries to that system. In Forward zone : ityug.com. IN MX vidyayug.ityug.com vidyayug IN A In Reverse Zone : 10 IN PTR vidyayug.ityug.com. when i send mail to gmail or yahoo mail the mail which i was sending is going to spam instead of inbox. And I am using Static IP address. My doubt is : In my DNS I didn't map with any public ip address ? How can I map with public address ? After configuring internal DNS did i need to map with any other things ? Thanks...
I am new to Mail Server And i heard that internet service providers will place ip's in black list for avoiding spam. But I did not get any article regarding this stuff. Is that the reason my mails are going to spam.