Problem with the apache (I can't start ist)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by M.Behrens, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. M.Behrens

    M.Behrens New Member


    My Server: SUSE 9.3 Prof with ISP Config
    (It ist a Strato Server)

    Installed with these HowTo

    Every thing is fine and all services are online (started).

    Now I put the register_globals from Off to On and restart the apache.

    Then I install the OSCommerce Shop.

    But now the Web-Server is Offline, I see it in the Admin of ISPConfig.
    I can't restart or start it in the adminmenu.

    Then I go in Putty

    hxxx:~ # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    Creating new config (0x80f0c08) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8186b90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8186b90 (0)
    Creating new config (0x8189210) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8189210 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8189210)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8186b90)
    Syntax OK
    Destroying config 0x8189210
    Destroying config 0x8186b90
    Destroying config 0x80f0c08
    Starting httpd2 (prefork) Creating new config (0x80f0c08) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8186b90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8186b90 (0)
    Creating new config (0x8189210) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8189210 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8189210)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8186b90)
    hxxx:~ #

    hxxx:~ # httpd -t
    Creating new config (0x80f0c08) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x81747f8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x81747f8 (0)
    Creating new config (0x8176fd0) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8176fd0 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8176fd0)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x81747f8)
    Syntax OK
    Destroying config 0x8176fd0
    Destroying config 0x81747f8
    Destroying config 0x80f0c08
    hxxx:~ #

    hxxx:~ # netstat -tap
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN 4946/mysqld
    tcp 0 0 *:hosts2-ns *:* LISTEN 5463/ispconfig_http
    tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN 7117/proftpd: (acce
    tcp 0 0 hxxx.serverko:domain *:* LISTEN 7097/named
    tcp 0 0 localhost:domain *:* LISTEN 7097/named
    tcp 0 0 localhost:953 *:* LISTEN 7097/named
    tcp 0 0 *:smtp *:* LISTEN 7024/master
    tcp 0 0 *:imaps *:* LISTEN 5054/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 *:pop3s *:* LISTEN 5083/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 *:pop3 *:* LISTEN 5068/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 *:imap *:* LISTEN 5038/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 *:domain *:* LISTEN 7097/named
    tcp 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN 5028/sshd
    tcp 0 0 localhost:953 *:* LISTEN 7097/named
    tcp 0 0 *:smtp *:* LISTEN 7024/master
    tcp 0 0 hxxx.serverkompe:ssh p54902496.dip0.t-:62745 ESTABLISHED 6122/0
    tcp 0 0 hxxx.serverkompe:ssh p54902496.dip0.t-:62973 ESTABLISHED 7918/sshd: root@not
    tcp 0 0 hxxx.serverkompe:ssh p54902496.dip0.t-:62718 ESTABLISHED 5767/sshd: root@not
    tcp 0 2076 hxxx.serverkompe:ssh p54902496.dip0.t-:62974 ESTABLISHED 8096/1

    hxxx:~ #

    hxxx:~ # ps -ax | grep apache
    Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See
    hxxx:~ #

    In the /var/log/apache2/error_log is nothing!!!

    What is the Problem, what can I do??????????

    Thank you for your help!
  2. sbovisjb1

    sbovisjb1 Member HowtoForge Supporter


    From what i see the program bailed when it triend to merge those directories and ever since then its been tripping over it self. Also you're apache config file (i cant remember where it is :( ) is not configured to put the error data there. By setting the error log "|/www/cgi-src/ >>/www/logs/error.log"<--- example script you can send errors to custom files if a problem arises... i think thats you're first step.
  3. M.Behrens

    M.Behrens New Member

    I dont find it!

    Sorry but I dont find /www/cgi-src/
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    And Apache is working with register_globals set to Off?
  5. M.Behrens

    M.Behrens New Member

    Hello Falko!

    No now apache dosen't work.

    Never mind register_globals ist On or Off.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    And there's nothing in the Apache error log?
    Do you get errors when you restart Apache?
  7. M.Behrens

    M.Behrens New Member

    I have to install the Server new!

    It ist a Strato Server only with SUSE 9.3 Prof
    First I have do the HowTo for SUSE 9.3 then I install the ISPConfig.
    Everything is fine and all services are online
    Then I make the Maildir On and change the language to German.
    Now I create a costumer, a web and a user and E-Mail.
    Then I create a SSL Certificate for the Domain and test it.
    Everything works fine, I can connect the Domain with Firefox.
    Now I create a MySQL Database.
    Then I loggin with WS_FTP at the Webspace and copy some Files (9,9MB).
    During this I want to connect the Domain with Firefox again, but it dosen't work! " Beim Versuch, zu kontaktieren, wurde die Verbindung zurückgesetzt." (Time ca. 16:58) :mad:
    I look in the ISPConfig admin and the Web-Server is offline! :eek:
    I go in the Putty and want to restart the apache:

    hxxx:~ # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    Creating new config (0x80f0c08) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8186b90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8186b90 (0)
    Creating new config (0x8189200) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8189200 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8189200)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8186b90)
    Syntax OK
    Destroying config 0x8189200
    Destroying config 0x8186b90
    Destroying config 0x80f0c08
    Warning: found stale pidfile (unclean shutdown?)
    Starting httpd2 (prefork) Creating new config (0x80f0c08) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8186b90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8186b90 (0)
    Creating new config (0x8189200) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8189200 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8189200)
    Merge dir (0x80f0c08) (0x8186b90)
    startproc: exit status of parent of /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork: 1
    hxxx:~ #

    The error Log: (/var/log/apache2/error_log):

    [Thu Mar 30 16:41:08 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Thu Mar 30 16:43:49 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/htdocs/catalog
    [Thu Mar 30 16:45:49 2006] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
    [Thu Mar 30 16:45:51 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Thu Mar 30 16:45:51 2006] [warn] long lost child came home! (pid 5535)
    [Thu Mar 30 16:47:43 2006] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8192e90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8192e90 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x8192e90)
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8192e90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8192e90 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x8192e90)
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8192e90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8192e90 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x8192e90)
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8192e90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8192e90 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x8192e90)
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8192e90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8192e90 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x8192e90)
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8192e90) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8192e90 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x8192e90)
    [Thu Mar 30 16:47:44 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Thu Mar 30 16:47:44 2006] [warn] long lost child came home! (pid 6260)
    [Thu Mar 30 16:48:46 2006] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
    Destroying config 0x8192e90
    Destroying config 0x8102b78
    Creating new config (0x810ab90) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8196ea8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8196ea8 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810ab90) (0x8196ea8)
    Destroying config 0x8192e90
    Destroying config 0x8102b78
    Creating new config (0x810ab90) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8196ea8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8196ea8 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810ab90) (0x8196ea8)
    Destroying config 0x8192e90
    Destroying config 0x8102b78
    Creating new config (0x810ab90) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8196ea8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8196ea8 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810ab90) (0x8196ea8)
    Destroying config 0x8192e90
    Destroying config 0x8102b78
    Creating new config (0x810ab90) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8196ea8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8196ea8 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810ab90) (0x8196ea8)
    Destroying config 0x8192e90
    Destroying config 0x8102b78
    Creating new config (0x810ab90) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8196ea8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8196ea8 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810ab90) (0x8196ea8)
    Destroying config 0x8192e90
    Destroying config 0x8102b78
    Creating new config (0x810ab90) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x8196ea8) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8196ea8 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810ab90) (0x8196ea8)
    [Thu Mar 30 16:48:46 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Thu Mar 30 16:48:46 2006] [warn] long lost child came home! (pid 6686)
    Destroying config 0x8196ea8
    Destroying config 0x810ab90
    Creating new config (0x810fba0) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ee80) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ee80 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810fba0) (0x818ee80)
    Destroying config 0x8196ea8
    Destroying config 0x810ab90
    Creating new config (0x810fba0) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ee80) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ee80 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810fba0) (0x818ee80)
    Destroying config 0x8196ea8
    Destroying config 0x810ab90
    Creating new config (0x810fba0) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ee80) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ee80 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810fba0) (0x818ee80)
    Destroying config 0x8196ea8
    Destroying config 0x810ab90
    Creating new config (0x810fba0) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ee80) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ee80 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810fba0) (0x818ee80)
    Destroying config 0x8196ea8
    Destroying config 0x810ab90
    Creating new config (0x810fba0) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ee80) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ee80 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810fba0) (0x818ee80)
    [Thu Mar 30 16:50:09 2006] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
    Destroying config 0x8196ea8
    Destroying config 0x810ab90
    Creating new config (0x810fba0) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ee80) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ee80 (0)
    Merge dir (0x810fba0) (0x818ee80)
    Destroying config 0x818ee80
    Destroying config 0x810fba0
    [Thu Mar 30 16:50:10 2006] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec2)
    Destroying config 0x8189000
    Destroying config 0x8186828
    Destroying config 0x80f0c08
    Creating new config (0x80f4b50) for (null)
    [Thu Mar 30 16:50:10 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Thu Mar 30 16:54:15 2006] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    APPLYING (safe_mode)(0)
    APPLYING (safe_mode)(0)
    APPLYING (safe_mode)(0)
    Creating new config (0x8188930) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x8188930 (0)
    Creating new config (0x818d188) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818d188 (0)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x818d188)
    Merge dir (0x80f4b50) (0x8188930)
    Destroying config 0x818d188
    Destroying config 0x8188930
    Destroying config 0x80f4b50
    Creating new config (0x8102b78) for (null)
    Creating new config (0x818ce20) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x818ce20 (0)
    Creating new config (0x81c3880) for (null)
    Getting safe_mode=0 for 0x81c3880 (0)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x81c3880)
    Merge dir (0x8102b78) (0x818ce20)

    Thats all what I do with my new installt Server!!!!!!!!

    After I want to restart the Apache again there is nothing more in the error_log!

    What ist the Problem????????
    What can I do? :confused:

    It is the third installation and everytime the same Problem! Eveytime whan you connect the Domain with FTP and during this with http, the apache go's offline and you can't start or reboot the apache!
    Is this a Bugg of ISPConfig?

    Please help me! :(
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2006
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I dont think so. Most large hosters like strato, puretec and hosteurope do not install default linux distributions. They compile their own packages of apache etc. Maybe it is a problem with package specially compiled by Strato.

    But I never seen this output:

    It is definetely not from ISPConfig. You can try to look in you apache2.conf file, at the end is a part inserted by ISPConfig. If you remove this, does your apache start? ...Make a Backup of the apache2 config file before :)
  9. M.Behrens

    M.Behrens New Member

    Hello Till and Falko!

    I find the Problem!!!!!!!!! :D

    Sorry, there is no Bug in the ISPConfig!

    The Problem is my SSL certificate!

    First I make a SSL certificate with ISPConfig. After this is all OK, I can stop, start or restart the apache!

    Then I put my own SSL Certifikate for that Domain in SSL Request and SSL Zertifikat and save it. Thats the Problem!!!!!!!!!!

    Now the Apache go's down and I can't start it. The error Message you can see in the other Posts.

    But why????

    When I delete the SSL Certificate I can start the apache and all is OK!!!

    Why don't the Server work with my SSL Certificate???????? :(
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Are you sure the certificate is a mod_ssl compatible certificate?

    Has the certificate been generated on basis of the ISPConfig certificate request?
  11. M.Behrens

    M.Behrens New Member

    I don't no.

    I got the certificate from my previous hoster Webplus24
    It runs with Confixx very well.
    I copy the key and certificate only from Confixx to ISPConfig.
  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Never seen this before. I get my own SSL certs at, and they always work...

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