All sites go to default index.html of Apache

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bamse, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. bamse

    bamse New Member


    I installed IspConfig 2 and I set up a site for my domain( and a site for a subdomain( The problem is all my sites show the index.html in the /var/www folder insted of the files in the /var/www/webX/web folder. If I try the corect site apears. I tried to enter "Alias /_files /var/www/web1/web/" in the Apache Directives but nothing happens.

    Can anyone please tell how to fix this. I searched the web and this forum but couldn't find anything for this problem.

    Thank you.
  2. bamse

    bamse New Member

    Solved it

    I sorted out the problem. My Isp server is behind a firewall in DMZ but when I set up my sites insted of choosing the local ip of the machine I choose the external ip. Changing it to the local ip solved out my problem.

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