POP3 offline

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by laurensb, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. laurensb

    laurensb New Member


    I have recently first started using ISPConfig and loving it so far. Installation went smooth and a great alternative to bloated Plesk. However, I cannot seem to get one thing down.

    I am using Dovecot as IMAP server and have it configured to only allow IMAPS on port 993. I assume because the regular POP3 port isn't open, ISPConfig assumes the service is down while it is working perfectly.

    Is there any switch in the config I can flip and have ISPConfig check for the POP3 service on a different port?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is not configurable. But as a workaorond you can enable pop3 again so that ispconfig can check the service and then just close the pop3 port in the firewall.
  3. laurensb

    laurensb New Member

    Thanks, I worked around it like so!

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