problem creating new sites,customers,ecc

Discussion in 'General' started by sepherith, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. sepherith

    sepherith New Member

    hi to all and excuse for my bad english.
    i have installed ipconfig 3 a few months ago. i have configured 3 costumers and about 10 web sites. all is ok.
    today i tried to create a new websites for a customer. in the ISPConfig interface i can see the new website name but if i log with winscp or similar programs in the /var/www folder i can't see the redirect link and in /var/www/clients/clinet[n] there is no web[n]folder.
    i have checked folder /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and avaible and there is no trace of new sites. only the old sites.
    same problems if i create a new customer.
    in isp DB it write info, but nothing on harddisk.
    some ideas?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. sepherith

    sepherith New Member

    after adding a new client(customer) in log appear this:

    2009-10-28 15:17 Debug Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
    2009-10-28 15:17 Debug Processed datalog_id 120
    2009-10-28 15:17 Warning document_root not set Cancella
    2009-10-28 15:17 Debug Call function 'insert' in plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_insert'.
    2009-10-28 15:17 Debug Call function 'ssl' in plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_insert'.
    2009-10-28 15:17 Debug Found 1 changes, starting update process.
    2009-10-28 15:17 Debug Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock

    may bold line be important ?

    lines that appear after adding new site

    2009-10-28 15:16 Debug Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
    2009-10-28 15:16 Debug Processed datalog_id 119
    2009-10-28 15:16 Debug Found 1 changes, starting update process.
    2009-10-28 15:16 Debug Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
  4. dtemes

    dtemes New Member

    Updated too high

    I had a similar problem after an upgrade from to, websites were not created nor modified. I found that the "updated" value of the server table was 140 while the changes I was submitting were below that number, so the system considered that no changes should be applied.

    The solution is simple, set the "updated" fiel to 0

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you change anything rebarding the website path or website root in the ispconfig server settings? Please check that both are set.

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