Email messages sent from webmail, but not received on recipient (Gmail, Yahoo, etc)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by vascanera, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. vascanera

    vascanera New Member


    I have this really annoying problem: when I send emails from Thunderbird (SMTP/POP3) to external email addresses (not from sites hosted on the server), everything works just fine, but when I try to send from the web interface (squirrelmail, roundcubemail), the message is reported as "Sent successfuly", but the recipients never receive it. I have spent 2 days on this, and I don't want to waste any more time. Please help!

    I have Ubuntu Server 9.10 32bit with Perfect Setup, I am using a commercial DynDNS hosted domain (let's call it "").
    My server host is "".

    I think that there's something in the headers of the email being sent that makes recipient mail agents think it's spam, or incorrect, or "bad". I may be wrong. That's why I am asking for help here.

    Please let me know what log files / output to list here.
  2. vascanera

    vascanera New Member

    Weird delay

    Ok, I received some of the emails I have sent this morning on both Gmail and Yahoo accounts.

    The problem is: it's an 8 hour delay since they were sent!

    I don't know what the problem is, but it's becoming frustrating..
  3. newbie76

    newbie76 New Member

    Please, make a vi /var/log/mail.log
  4. vascanera

    vascanera New Member

    Last thing to do...

    You know what? I just made up my mind about this!

    I will disable the webmail interface, and only allow smtp/pop3 using a mail client. That settles it.

    And in the meantime, I will wait for a newer version of ISPConfig. ;)
  5. newbie76

    newbie76 New Member

    Good solution! ;)

    I have your same problem but reverse, i can use the squirremail but not the smtp/pop3 with Mail or Thunderbird.

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Why that? There is nothing related to ispconfig with that. ISPConfig is a controlpanel, it is not your internet access provider or google or yahoo or the postfix mailserver ;)

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