Websites non accesible from internet after server reboot

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by titobustillo, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. titobustillo

    titobustillo New Member

    Hi. I have installed Ispconfig3 with Ubuntu server 9.04, with the Howto Perfect Server guide. All is fine on installation, I created a site with IspConfig and its accessible from internet with http://ipserver/web. But after reboot server and change ip server (isp dymanic ip), nobody can access to the web site (and used ip is correct, the actual one).
    I can see ok Ispconfig admin if I go to http://ipserver:8080, and phpmyadmin if I go to http://ipserver:8080/phpmyadmin.
    Any Suggestions, please?
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  2. damir

    damir New Member

    Are the a-records of the domains that you host correct? Does they point to the new IP adress?
  3. titobustillo

    titobustillo New Member

    The server is only accesible for intranet and for specific web pages from internet. Actually, in ISPconfig, the A Records I submit has the internal servers IP ( Is it bad?
    Yesterday it works with this ip...but today I cant access!!
    Maybe I had some configuration file wrong... :-(
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  4. titobustillo

    titobustillo New Member

    Nobody?? I'm desperated. I'm thinking to reinstall all with Ispconfi2 to see if it works...:(
  5. titobustillo

    titobustillo New Member

    Ok, solved, bad dns record...
  6. titobustillo

    titobustillo New Member

    Wow, before a new reboot, I thought issue was solved deleting all the DNS Records...I did it and suddenly my website was accesible from internet. Now, I did a new reboot to test, new external IP, and my websites are again down from internet. And I can access to Ispconfig yet.
    I dont understand...:confused::confused::confused:
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's the problem. I guess you'Re on a dynamic IP - each time that IP changes, you must change your DNS records as well.
  8. titobustillo

    titobustillo New Member

    Hi Falko, thanks for your efforts, I will test when we move the server to static ip.
  9. randy9000

    randy9000 New Member

    Dynamic IP

    Hi Falko

    do you have any tutorials that deal with dynamic IP's from ISP?
    I have a dynamic IP from my ISP and looking to operate a web server with ISPConfig.
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you're on a dynamic IP, I'd get hostnames from DynDNS and use these for your web sites.

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