ISPconfig 3 and suPHP

Discussion in 'General' started by meth, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. meth

    meth New Member

    I am having problems with suPHP in ISPConfig 3.0.16, OS Debian Lenny.

    When i configure a website to use suPHP i get a 500 Internal Server Error, in the suPHP log i get:

    [warn] Script "/home/webs/clients/client1/web1/web/index.php" resolving to "/home/webs/clients/client1/web1/web/index.php" not within configured docroot

    I have searched and havent found any solution.

    Websites with fast-cgi and mod_php works fine.

  2. momfer

    momfer New Member

    Have you checked the settings in suphp.conf?

    In your case the docroot setting should probably look like

  3. meth

    meth New Member

    the solution is: i was editing the wrong suphp.conf file.


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