Hi. Im fairly new to ISPconfig 3, but have used ISPconfig 2 a lot. This is a new idea i have, and i wonder if its possible at all. I have two IP-adresses, lets say and They have hostnames with reverse ip server1.example.com and server2.example.com. I want all my sites to be hosted at server1.example.com (port 80) and my controllpanel at server2.example.com (port 80 and 443). Can anyone please guide me through how i do this? Live help is a prefered option if possible. You can add me on WLM (former MSN) with [email protected]. Edit: im running Debian Lenny 5.0
Please dont follow any instruction from me! But as far as i know you can define the PORT during the install! And i guess also the IP has to be configured there! Later you may be able to change these or some settings in some config files from ispconfig! Well, try around and play around to have your best setting afterward! And if something went wrong do an reinstall! But it is possible that you cant use port 80 cause ispconfig needs some more privielegs as an http web user will become! I never have had installed ispconfig for more than one server therefore all what ive said is only guessing! Good luck btw
I have tried a little. Will continue trying. I think this is apache2 config, and not ispconfig at all.
It was not as hard as i thought. My solution was to create a symlink to the ispconfig folder in another web-site. This is how i did it: 1. Create a vhost site manually in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ that can run without php_admin_value open_basedir's set so the vhost can perform actions on your system without restrictions (iIf you dont create this manually, ISPconfig will overwrite whatever you do in the config file the next time you do anything in the web-site pane). You can also just create a vhost in the ispconfig panel, and then disable the site and copy the vhost file and rename it so ispconfig dont touch it. 2. Then create a symlink to the ispconfig folder on your shared system. The panel is now available at http://yoursite.com/ispconfig You can name your folder anything or leave folder name behind /web/ if you want ispconfig in you root web folder.
Alternative solution... I worked with this in another way (i think much more simple also)... Edit: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispconfig.vhost THIS IS THE ORGINAL TOP OF THE FILE: Code: ###################################################### # This virtual host contains the configuration # for the ISPConfig controlpanel ###################################################### Listen 8080 NameVirtualHost *:8080 <VirtualHost _default_:8080> <IfModule mod_fcgid.c> Then change the above to the following: Code: ###################################################### # This virtual host contains the configuration # for the ISPConfig controlpanel ###################################################### <VirtualHost _default_:80> ServerName www.yourdomain.com ServerAlias yourdomain.com ServerAdmin [email protected] <IfModule mod_fcgid.c> Stop & Start Apache: Code: # /etc/init.d/apache2 stop # /etc/init.d/apache2 start
I did it this way because i have sevral hosted sites on my server, and needed to put it with other systems that require SSL connections to be safe. So my solution does not put the ispconfig web folder in root.