Can you post it directly here? That makes it easier for us than downloading and unpacking an archive.
################################### # # ISPConfig vHost Configuration File # Version 1.0 # ################################### # NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerName localhost ServerAdmin root@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/sharedip <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|TRACK) RewriteRule .* - [F] </IfModule> </VirtualHost> # # ###################################### # Vhost: ###################################### # # <VirtualHost> <Directory /var/www/web7/web> AllowOverride All </Directory> ServerName ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /var/www/web7/web ServerAlias DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php5 index.php4 index.php3 index.shtml index.cgi index.jsp Default.htm default.htm Alias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/web7/cgi-bin/ AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AddHandler cgi-script .pl ErrorLog /var/www/web7/log/error.log AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .php5 <Files *.php> SetOutputFilter PHP SetInputFilter PHP </Files> <Files *.php3> SetOutputFilter PHP SetInputFilter PHP </Files> <Files *.php4> SetOutputFilter PHP SetInputFilter PHP </Files> <Files *.php5> SetOutputFilter PHP SetInputFilter PHP </Files> php_admin_flag safe_mode On php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/web7/ php_admin_value file_uploads 1 php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /var/www/web7/phptmp/ php_admin_value session.save_path /var/www/web7/phptmp/ <IfModule mod_ruby.c> <Directory /var/www/web7/web> Options +ExecCGI </Directory> RubyRequire apache/ruby-run #RubySafeLevel 0 <Files *.rb> SetHandler ruby-object RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance </Files> <Files *.rbx> SetHandler ruby-object RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance </Files> </IfModule> <IfModule mod_python.c> <Directory /var/www/web7/web> Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit FileInfo Order allow,deny allow from all AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On </Directory> </IfModule> AddType text/html .shtml AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml Alias /error/ "/var/www/web7/web/error/" ErrorDocument 400 /error/invalidSyntax.html ErrorDocument 401 /error/authorizationRequired.html ErrorDocument 403 /error/forbidden.html ErrorDocument 404 /error/fileNotFound.html ErrorDocument 405 /error/methodNotAllowed.html ErrorDocument 500 /error/internalServerError.html ErrorDocument 503 /error/overloaded.html AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/(.*))? /var/www/web7/user/$1/web/$3 AliasMatch ^/users/([^/]+)(/(.*))? /var/www/web7/user/$1/web/$3 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|TRACK) RewriteRule .* - [F] </IfModule> </VirtualHost> # # #
Turning python off definitely worked! Question is whether or not I will be needing python later on... A thousand thanks.
Ok, then the problem was in Code: <IfModule mod_python.c> <Directory /var/www/web7/web> Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit FileInfo Order allow,deny allow from all AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On </Directory> </IfModule> I should probably change Code: AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit FileInfo to Code: AllowOverride all I've added this to our bugtracker.
ispconfig .htaccess 500 ***URGENT*** yep! same problem. and its the ONLY problem we have. the htaccess works with Order-Deny-Allow but NOT with the other really "NEEDFUL THINGS" - pun intended! please post what the solution is ASAP. recently using Version: 2.2.33 and it does seem that this happened since that time.
i personally use php login script to protect the folder . that's what i figured out to get the server operating on time
ispconfig .htaccess 500 **update** for whatever reason, placing .. <Directory "/var/www/webdir#/web/"> AllowOverride All </Directory> into the Apache Directives (Optional): was saving but NOT TAKING!! assing the line to the vhost file alone was not enough. i had to both place this into the Apache Directives (Optional) AND manually add the lines!! now it works. using ISPCONFIG Version: 2.2.33 if there is anything you would like me to do to assist in t-shooting this. please let me know.
ispconfig V2.2.33 .htaccess 500 *update* now that i have it working, i am doing some tshooting. discovered that the perms on /etc/httpd... all root/root! & 07##. i dont recall looking at this particular directory before but i am pretty sure it should have a better user/write settings like admsipconfig/??? 077#. if this doesnt solve it i will look more.
ispconfig V2.2.33 .htaccess 500 *update* made the permissions on directory /etc/httpd/conf/ to 2775. user=admispconfig group={withheld}. again- if there is anything i can do to assist, let me know. thank you.
ISPConfig 2.2.35 .htaccess issue. I spent the weekend reloading a webserver to try out ISPConfig. Everything was working before, I just wanted to make adding additional sites easier. I am having the .htaccess issue however. All the sites I design I use redirect 404 to index, and NEED this to be the case. This was easy to complete before as I added new vhosts. Here is what I have tried to get this to work. I added AllowOveride All to /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf EDIT: Sorry this should read /etc/apache2/apache2.conf I added them to ISP vhosts individually. I added them from the ISP control panel to each site, I verified this went to the ISP Vhosts file as well. I am running Ubuntu Server 9.10, installed using the steps here for perfect server and ISPConfig 2.2.35 I am thinking the next step is to manually point the default in ispconf Vhosts file from /error/fileNotFound.html to index.php hopefully that will get it working, and I will do that for each site needed. Edit2: This didn't work either. I put in the full path to the index file. If anyone has found a way to get this working globally please explain it here as reading through this thread it keeps jumping from one users problem to the next without any solutions being posted. If I fix this on my own, or am given a solution that works I will make sure and acknowledge what worked so that future people finding this thread will have a working answer to the question.
WOW I am a moron. After many hours of searching for the problem I realized that my htaccess was pointing to index.html not index.php. I fixed it and it is working on all sites. unfortunately all sites utilized a different solution above... I will post the results of what works globally, and what works per site, as I clean up my mess. Sorry
falko, I just updated my ispconfig from 2.2.29 to 2.2.37 Everyhitng was working great. Now the .htaccess files are not working if I have python enabled. Can you tell me what file I need to access so it will change it to AllowOverride All? Thank you.
Well I feel bad about the last comment. I did not upgrade I just re installed the same version. But it would be great to know what to modify as I cannot get the upgrade to work just yet.
It would be a topic for a new thread but I am running Ubuntu 8.10 and I cannot seam to get libarchive-tar-perl to install. I have installed perl-modules and it is working fine but it is not installing libarchive-tar-perl. Any help would be great or I could start a new thread. Thank for your help.
Till in a case senario like mine where I am running Nginx as a webserver, how do I enable .htaccess for independent sites or globally?
.haccess is a apache technology, there is no such function in nginx. As a sidenote, this thread is about ispconfig 2. ISPConfig 2 and ispconfig 3 are two completly different server controlpanel, so nothing that you read here in this thread applies to the ispconfig 3 version you use.