no remote client option

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by hugolambert, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. hugolambert

    hugolambert New Member

    Hi all
    I've just installed the debian ispconfig 3 server on my server (ovh), but it seems they restricted the accesss to remote client. It's not available in the panel and when I try to add the scripts and insert a tuple in the tables I have this message : you don't have sufficient priviledges or something.
    How can I fix it ?
    (it's to be able to create mail inbox via a website)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'am sure that they did not restrict it, I guess that you dont run a the latest ispconfig version (
  3. hugolambert

    hugolambert New Member

    yes, but I cannot upgrade since they put it in a https section. When I did the upgrade, the https went off and all the mail creation tools didn't work.
    So I'm looking for a softer update...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Where is the problem, simply enable https again after the update as described in the ispconfig FAQ.
  5. hugolambert

    hugolambert New Member

    Ok I'll try like that.
  6. hugolambert

    hugolambert New Member

    thank's It worked!

    Thank's a lot.
    but my webserver is down.
    I'll open a new thread with the log error message

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