ISPConfig 3.0.2 released

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 3.0.2 is available for download. This release is a major release of the ISPConfig 3 Hosting Control panel which brings many new features, improves the functionality and contains fixes for several bugs.


    The software can be downloaded here:

    Changelog and list of new features

    Known Issues:

    Please take a look at the bugtracker:

    BUG Reporting

    Please report bugs to the ISPConfig bugtracking system:

    Supported Linux Distributions
    - Debian Etch (4.0) - Lenny (5.0)
    - Ubuntu 7.10 - 9.10
    - OpenSuSE 11 - 11.2
    - CentOS 5.2 - 5.4
    - Fedora 9 - 12


    The installation instructions for ISPConfig can be found here:

    or in the text files (named INSTALL_*.txt) which are inside the docs folder of the .tar.gz file.


    To update existing ISPConfig 3 installations, run this command on the shell:

    select "stable" as update resource. The script will check if an updated version of ISPConfig 3 is available and then download the tar.gz and start the setup script.

    Detailed instructions for making a backup before you update can be found here:

    If the ISPConfig version on your server does not have this script yet, follow the manual update instructions below.

    Manual update instructions

    cd /tmp
    tar xvfz ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz
    cd ispconfig3_install/install
    php -q update.php
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  2. Germanius

    Germanius Member

    you posted the wrong url to this topic and you forgot to change the version number in the text here:

    Thanks for this great release! :)
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thanks for the notice. I've corrected that.
  4. bluebirdnet

    bluebirdnet Member

    where can we can information about any new features and fixes ?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please read the post above, it contains a link to the list of features and fixed bugs.
  6. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Just updated all my Debian Lenny servers the "" way, and till now no problems found.

    Once again a big THANK YOU to all the developers.
  7. Norman

    Norman Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Is this fine to upgrade from the branch?

    Ill hold off for a few days to see if any issues are found out, then Ill roll this out on my servers :)
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is the latest update for all 3.x versions.
  9. ferrao

    ferrao New Member

    Till and ISPConfig team,

    Big thank you for this release, i am really looking forward to it and will give it a go this weekend!

    I've been doing hosting for some years now and never managed to find any good open source solution until i stumbled on ISPConfig 3 a few months ago and decided to migrate everything into it! Have been running and quite happy with this decision.

    Sure it has bugs, it lacks the documentation and the user interface seems odd and takes a bit to get used to. But all and all, i believe it's shaping up to be a great product!

    Even your support on the forums here is fantastic! All the issues i have struggled with are tackled on the forums and seem to be solved on 3.0.2!
    And the bind support just puts a big smile on my face again. Fantastic Job!

    One more happy user to the count ;)
  10. Florisjan

    Florisjan New Member

    error during update


    I run a "The Perfect Server - CentOS 5.2" 64 bit, with ispconfig

    During the update i get the following error messages:

    Stopping Dovecot Imap: [FAILED]
    Error: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot.conf line 715: Unknown protocol name (section changed in /etc/dovecot.conf at line 709)
    Fatal: Invalid configuration in /etc/dovecot.conf
    Starting Dovecot Imap: [FAILED]

    I don't recall editing the specific file during the installation, or after.

    It is a virtual machine so i can reproduce the error.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot,

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Looks as if you have accidently 2 imap servers installed on your system, if you used ispconfig before, then you use courier as dovecot was not supported before. Please remove the dovecot installation from your server so that only courier is installed and do the update again.
  12. Florisjan

    Florisjan New Member


    Thanks for the solution!

  13. Naudski

    Naudski New Member

    Many many thanks to you Till and all the other developers for this great piece of software.

  14. bluebirdnet

    bluebirdnet Member

    Till do you have this info?

  15. Germanius

    Germanius Member

  16. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    ISPConfig3 upgrade failed

    I started to use ISPConfig3 since version, now i try to do my first ISPConfig3 upgrade, which is to version 3.0.2.

    First i made a backup according this instruction. After that i started with the ugrade by executing
    I chose for stable, and gave the MySQL root password.
    After that the following error occured:

    Possible problem with dumping the database. We will stop here. Please check the file existing_db.sql

    What am i doing wrong?
  17. goebelmeier

    goebelmeier New Member

    I did an update to my using on my lenny machine. Afterwards all my services could not connect to mysql database. Now i tried to update the installation manually but is says:
    >> Update

    Operating System: Debian Lenny or compatible

    This application will update ISPConfig 3 on your server.
    MySQL root password []: xxx

    Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /tmp/ispconfig3_install/install/update.php on line 210

    mysql -uroot -pxxx works fine, so i dunno what could be the matter of this problem. First of all i shutted down all email services, but please provide a idea how to solve this troubles :-/
  18. Focus

    Focus New Member

    Thanks a lot!

    I started a few days ago in ISPConfig 3, and have some experience on version 2.

    Now I see, that this release has everything, that I was looking for.

    How lucky can one be?

  19. neuromystical

    neuromystical New Member

    I am having same issue.

  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    @Hans: The error message means that the installer was not able to dump the ispconfig database. So it stopped to make sure that you dont loose any data.

    1) Please check the file /var/log/ispconfig_install.log if it contains any errors.
    2) Did you update with the script or did you use the manual update procedure?
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