ISPConfig on multiple servers

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Piccent, Feb 16, 2006.

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  1. Piccent

    Piccent New Member


    I want to install ISPConfig on 2 Servers, one has is Primary DNS and one Secondary DNS. Is it possible, that if I configure a domain on Server 1 (Primary DNS), that the slave zone on Server 2 is generated automaticaly?

    And another question: Can I temporally disable a user, web or reseller?


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig supports automatic zone transfers between primary and secondary DNS-Server. But you will have to create aprimary DNS record in ISPCOnfig on the first server and a secondary DNS-Record on the secondary DNS-Server. The Detailed data is then transferred automatically.

    You can delete only the users / webs. When you delete them they where moved to the recycle bin and removed from the server configuration. You can restore the users from the recycle bin later.
  3. Piccent

    Piccent New Member

    Thx for the fast reply... ;)
  4. ajhart

    ajhart New Member

    Multiple ISPConfig Servers

    Hi guy's, I have the similar situation and I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction.

    I have finally competed a ISPConfig 3.0.2 server on a Fedora 12 server following the "Perfect Fedora 12 Server ISPConfig 3" tutorial with a few changes like running bind instead of mydns ect. I have two registered name server nl and I also have two routers where I can assign one server with ns1 and his own static IP and the second server with ns2 and his own static IP. Currently I'm only running one ISPconfig server on

    How do I need to go about setting up a second ISPConfig for my While I'm doing a fresh installation, do I need to install everything the same as in the tutorial or is there certain services I don't need to install.

    The biggest reason why I want to install a second server is for if one of my router's going down, the other one should carry on automatically.

    Any advice for a noob.

    Thanks in Advance
    A.J. Hart
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please post this in the ISPConfig 3 forum. This is the ISPConfig 2 forum.
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