Hello, I am changing my ISPConfig so that instead of showing a drop-down list with the IP of the new site, it assigns directly. But nonencounter the file in which ISPConfig prints that drop-down list. Somebody could to help me?
The IP List is rendered by the global form classes. You can change the UI elements with the ISPConfig form manager.
Thanks Till, but I should know where is exactly the file which print the drop-down list where the user will choose the ip of the new web. Thanks a lot.
There is no such .php file. The definition of the form is in the doctype table in the ISPConfig database, the doctypes where edited with the form amanager. Doctypes are serialized PHP objects. The file that renders all forms defined in the doctype table is /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/multidoc/edit/edit.php
Basically it's not a good idea to customize your ISPConfig installation because you will lose the ability to upgrade to newer ISPConfig versions then. It's always the best to go with the defaults...
Thats really easy and i posted the answer already: Did you had a look at the form manager? You find it under management in the ISPConfig interface. If you hide this field, you will have to set the IP address as default value with phpmyadmin in the isp_isp_web table, otherwise your websites wont have an IP address anymore and you will break your setup. I can only back what falko posted!