Fedora 5 Linux ispconfig problem

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Graphite, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. Graphite

    Graphite New Member


    I am a complete newb to the world of linux.

    For years I have toyed with the idea of setting up a linux based mailserver with smtp auth, but the learning curve always looked to steep for the time available. Anyhow a few days ago I stumbled across the howtoforge howtos and after a few abortive attempts got an old mac ppc installed with fedora 5 and by following the how to managed to get ispconfig up and running.

    So far so good. Final test after a few trial accounts etc - reboot!

    Doh! The server comes up, but the Gnome interface (which as a windows person is kinda necessary to make me feel comfortable at this early stage) hangs with a blue screen and a mouse cursor.

    Puttying in from my laptop is fine but the ipsconfig website no longer works

    Oh yes I rebooted before installing ipsconfig so something has gone awry during the ipsconfig install

    Any ideas welcome -eg solutions, where to look for info etc

  2. Graphite

    Graphite New Member

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