Hello I was checking my mail log for errors and i saw this: postfix/proxymap[31546]: warning: table "mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_forwardings.cf": empty lookup result for: "@xxxxx.xx" -- ignored i replaced the domain with xxxxx.xx What does it mean ?
i have this in mysql-virtual_forwardings.cf user = ispconfig password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dbname = dbispconfig table = mail_forwarding select_field = destination where_field = source additional_conditions = and active = 'y' and server_id = 1 hosts = shoud i have something else ?
No, thats absolutely correct. I did not sppke about a config file, I spoke about a database atble and its absolutely ok that there is no record as there must be no record. Thats why postfix ignored itand did not fail.
a then is all good next step update ispconfig 3.0.2 to thank your for your help this is a great forum