mail directly from server seen as spam

Discussion in 'General' started by provell, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. provell

    provell New Member


    The mail that is send directly from the server is seen as spam by most of the recipiants.

    - That is mail send by bath file/user root
    - Mail from websites generated by php scripts after a user action
    - Mail from the online mail tool, in this case UebiMiau!

    Mail that is send by the remote clients that connect is not seen as spam.

    The server is sending normal mail amounts and is certanly not spamming anybody(averige of 3000 mails with 150 users).
    3 weeks ago I did had a leek on the server that was spamming but that is solved and the server is not blacklisted anymore for 3 weeks.
    I checked that on

    Is there anyway I can make sure mail send directly from the server is not seen as spam?

    Thansk in advance for any help.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. provell

    provell New Member

    still the same problem


    Thanks for the quick response.

    The script run without any problems.
    Only I still have the same issue.
    Mail is still marked as spam.

    Do I need to restart anything?

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