Hi, I'm bumping my head into the wall. Here is my case: 1) I have two co-loc servers installed with ISPConfig (not sure about the version now but I installed them in 2007). Let me call them A and B. 2) Server A has multiple IP addresses so all the virtual servers are IP-based; Server B has only 1 IP address so all the virtual servers are Name-based; 3) Now I started installing SSL certificate for my virtual servers. -- For A: it works like a charm and I have my servers configured with SSL in one minute. -- For B: I knew it's not possible (well before Apache 2.2.8, it may work with some hack) to enable SSL on all Name-based virtual hosts. But I only want to enable SSL on **one** virtual host. The problem is: no matter how I configured the SSL in apache httpd.conf and Vhost conf files, this virtual host *always* returns an invalid SSL certificate which I created years ago when installing ISPconfig. It never returns the new-certificate I just installed. I have searched through all the configuration files but I cannot find where and how it still refers to old certificate files. 4) In the meantime, I modified ISPConfig's conf files, and ISPconfig can now be accessed with new SSL without any problem. 5) This may be a little long, but can someone help me on to make one of my virtual server on B to work with new SSL certificate? Thanks a lot in advance. -- James
Fixed Ok, on Server B, since it's a single IP address server, I also need to update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf with my new certificate to make it work. Cheers, -- JamesD